Chapter 51: The healing apocalyptic villain (plot)

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[The eleventh game: The healing apocalyptic villain]

[Preliminary summary: The end of the world has suddenly come. Some humans have mutated into zombies, and some have awakened various powers and become superpowers. You are a healing superpower, but your superpower level is not high. When food is scarce, You were abandoned by the team...]

[Mission: ① Take revenge on the person who betrayed you; ② Make love with the bound match. 】

When Fu Yan woke up, he suddenly felt uncomfortable all over and had no strength. According to his memory review, he knew that he had been hungry for three days now, and then he was abandoned by the team early this morning. They took away all the food and drove away. He was the only one left here.

Fu Yan could still feel the unwillingness and resentment of this body. When he looked at the memories, he could clearly see how kind the original owner was to the people in the team, often overdrafting his powers to treat them.

At the beginning, when everyone was weak and easily injured, the original owner's healing ability was the most popular. However, as time went on, everyone else became stronger and no longer easily injured, and they began to dislike the original owner. .

Fu Yan sneered and stopped thinking about those ungrateful people. He tried to stand up. He had to find some food while he still had the strength, otherwise he would encounter zombies if he continued to be hungry.

Fu Yan walked out and saw that the outside was desolate and messy. Broken cars were everywhere on the road. Some cars even had dead bodies inside. There were pools of dried blood on the ground. It was very shocking to see.

Fu Yan's eyes showed no fluctuation. He looked around as he walked forward, and finally found an iron rod that could barely be used as a weapon.

Fu Yan walked for a while and saw a convenience store on the side of the road. He approached softly. Suddenly, the body of a person on the ground next to him suddenly moved and rushed towards Fu Yan!

Fu Yan quickly blocked the zombie with an iron rod and kicked it away. Before the zombie could get up, Fu Yan waved the iron rod expressionlessly and smashed the zombie's head into pieces with a bang.

"Huh..." Fu Yan gasped from exhaustion. There was no movement in the convenience store. Fu Yan walked straight in. As expected, everything inside was swept away. Fu Yan pursed his lips in disappointment and was about to leave. Suddenly Seeing some newspapers and the like next to the convenience store counter, Fu Yan flipped through them and found a stack of tourist maps of the city.

It turned out that he was in S city now. Fu Yan looked at the map carefully and discovered that there was a large shopping mall not far from the street where he was.

Fu Yan suddenly felt hopeful. There should be food there, right? Although there may be a lot of zombies, he should be able to deal with them.

Fu Yan put away the map and started walking towards the shopping mall.

After walking for more than half an hour, just when Fu Yan thought he was going to starve to death, he finally reached the vicinity of the shopping mall.

Fu Yan saw two reinforced cars parked at the entrance of the mall from a distance. There were people in the mall... Fu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, and cautiously took a closer look. Two people were standing at the entrance of the mall, guarding the cars and responding to them. Friends in the mall.

Seeing that he couldn't get in through the front door, Fu Yan went around to the back door of the mall and slipped in quietly.

Fu Yan could faintly hear the sound of someone fighting with zombies, but he ignored it and quietly walked away from a clothing store with a backpack, ready to use it to hold things.

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