Chapter 41: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (H, locker

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Chapter 41: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (H, locker room play)

[What the writer wants to say:]

The world is about to end!


"Where are you taking me?" Fu Yan asked doubtfully as Chi Yanyang pulled him forward.

"We're here~" Chi Yanyang pulled Fu Yan into the locker room of the gymnasium, where they changed clothes during their sports life.

"Do you want to change clothes?" Fu Yan looked at Chi Yanyang's shirt, which was soaked with sweat on the back.

Chi Yanyang nodded, took off his shirt and threw it into the dirty clothes basket, revealing his well-defined abdominal muscles, and then pulled Fu Yan into one of the changing rooms.

"You..." Fu Yan saw Chi Yanyang staring at him with burning eyes, and suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Xiao Yan, I want a reward..." Chi Yanyang put his hands into Fu Yan's sports top, and stroked Fu Yan's smooth skin with his warm hands.

Fu Yan stretched out his hand to push Chi Yanyang's chest and whispered, "Aren't we all given rewards?!"

"Not enough..." Chi Yanyang pouted, grabbed Fu Yan's hand and pressed it on his crotch, where a big lump had already bulged, "When Xiaoyan kissed me, I was very excited here~ Xiaoyan, help me OK?"

……This guy! Fuyan was speechless, the heat from Chi Yanyang's organ in his palm spread over him, making his body feel slightly hot.

"...Then hurry up!" Fu Yan turned away and agreed in a low voice.

Chi Yanyang happily kissed Fu Yan, took off Fu Yan's clothes and put them aside, "Xiao Yan has to wear them this afternoon, so we can't get them dirty~"

Suddenly, the door of the dressing room was opened. Lu Linzhi and the others were standing at the door. Mu Chen walked in with a smile: "Baby, don't be partial, we will solve it quickly~"

Fu Yan was about to cry but had no tears. Would he still have the energy to enjoy the school sports meeting in the afternoon?

"Well..." Fu Yan's body trembled slightly. He stood on tiptoes and was pressed against the door of the dressing room by the man. The ‍‌‎‌Ju‍‎‎‍‌holes behind him were pressed by Lu Linzhi and Chi Yanyang. The fingers were expanded, and the flower hole in front contained four fingers of Mu Chen and Yu Wen. Their fingers were digging into his body and pressing the sensitive points inside.

Ji Shiyu caressed the erect nipples on Fu Yan's chest and kissed her soft lips tenderly.

"But, it's okay...come in~" Fu Yan's face was full of spring, his eyes were moist, and pleasure flowed through his body like electricity. His small ‎‍‌‌‍ hole‎‍‎ was made wet and soft by the men, and he couldn't wait anymore. Longing for a man's big cock to come in.

"Baby Yanyan is getting more and more slutty~" Mu Chen chuckled, hugged Fuyan from the front, and rubbed his wet pussy a few times with his huge purple penis. And ‍‎‎Yin‌‎pedicle‌‎‍, and then suddenly ‍‌‍‌‎inserted‍‍‎‌into the flower hole!

Chi Yanyang also came up from behind Fu Yan, his long and thick cock trembled with excitement, and he aimed at the slightly trembling chrysanthemum‍‎‎‍‌hole‎‌‌‍‎. Go in.

"Hmm... so deep..." Fu Yan raised his fragile neck and groaned. The pleasure of being filled up in the small holes in front and back made him so comfortable that he couldn't help but tighten the muscles in his body. Big chicken‎‍‌ba‌‌‍.

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