Chapter 1: New arrival

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Fu Yan's first reaction when he opened his eyes was that something was wrong with where he was.

This was an unfamiliar room. Fu Yan quickly observed his surroundings. He was lying in a translucent oval warehouse, and he didn't know when he put on a completely black bracelet.

If his memory was correct, he should have fallen to his death.

"Dip - All players have been detected to be awake, and the [City of Desire] life rules are now announced."

Suddenly, the bracelet lit up, and a virtual screen was projected in front of Fu Yan. An emotionless electronic voice sounded, and corresponding text appeared on the screen.

Fu Yan's black and white cat eyes blinked, and suddenly he felt that things were interesting - such technology was obviously not available in his original world.

"Every player should be on the verge of death on your original planet. Only after being selected by the system will you come to this city and have a second life. Please cherish it."

"First, players must complete the mission at least once a week in order to continue living in this city. Failure to complete the mission on time more than three times will be directly erased."

"Second, you can get gold coins by completing tasks, which can be used in daily life in [City of Desire]. (Note: The house the player lives in is bound one-to-one and cannot be replaced. No additional expenses are required, and only the player himself can enter .)”

"Third, when the player completes one hundred missions, he will be free and become an official interstellar resident."

"Please read the document below for specific task operations. I wish all players a happy life."

The electronic sound disappeared, but the text on the screen did not disappear. Fu Yan clicked on the file below, read the contents carefully, and immediately had a certain understanding of this "game".

The place where he completed the task is where he is lying now, which is called the [Virtual Game Warehouse]. The task will not be released until they enter the game.

Fu Yan glanced at the name [City of Desire] and thought of several possibilities in his mind.

Fu Yan turned off the screen and pressed a button to open the game room. He walked out of the bedroom and observed the house. It was a very ordinary two-story bungalow. The first floor was the living room, kitchen, etc., and the second floor was the bedroom and study room.

I never thought he could live such a normal life. Fu Yan stretched and looked at this very ordinary and warm home with a satisfied smile. The two small dimples on his cheeks were particularly eye-catching.

Fu Yan is a killer, although you can't tell it from his appearance.

When others see Fu Yan at first glance, they will think that he is a beautiful and well-behaved boy, because Fu Yan looks young, has delicate and cute facial features, and has big cat eyes. When looking at others, people can't help but feel soft and laugh. There are also two sweet dimples exposed, which looks very harmless at first glance.

However, this is why he deceives the target of every mission, but Fuyan is tired of the numb life of obeying the organization's arrangements to kill people. He wants to live a normal life, but he knows that he cannot escape the organization, so Finally chose suicide.

When he jumped down from the tall building, he didn't expect that he would actually travel here. It seemed that he could live an ordinary life on this strange planet without killing people.

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