Chapter 20: Competitors appear

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Fu Yan woke up and returned to the game warehouse. The system beeped with message reminders. He opened it and saw the binding applications from Lu Linzhi, Mu Chen and Chi Yanyang.

"..." Before he could click to agree, the three of them sent the application again. The bracelets kept vibrating, and Fu Yan quickly clicked to agree, speechless.

"Have a good rest." Lu Linzhi's message.

"Xiaoyan, I missed you! I'll see you in the next game, hehe!" Chi Yanyang's news followed closely.

"Yanyan baby, do you miss me? We can meet on the next mission~" Mu Chen also immediately sent a message.

"No, goodbye." Fu Yan seemed to see the slutty Mu Chen saying sweet words to him. He replied quickly with a straight face, then turned off the virtual screen with a snap, climbed out of the game room and rested.

The next day, Fu Yan came to Rong Lu's bar and told her about being bound to five people.

"Wait a minute...! What did you say the name of the person bound to you?!" Rong Lu looked shocked.

Fu Yan lazily sat on the sofa, eating a small cake while stretching out his fingers to count to Rong Lu: "Lu Linzhi, Mu Chen, Ji Shiyu, Chi Yanyang, and Yu Wen."

"He, they are the five captains of the military region I mentioned before! Those with S-level mental strength!" Rong Lu's eyes were dull, and she was already a little suspicious of the world...

"They haven't entered the game for a long time. I didn't expect that they are all bound to you, Xiaoyan..." Rong Lu cleared her mind and her eyes lit up. In other words, Xiaoyan has met several big bosses and is likely to meet them in the future. Fall in love with one of them and get together? ! very good! The military region captain’s words match Xiaoyan’s words~

"Xiaoyan, how do you feel about these captains? It is said that they are all very strong and handsome~" Rong Lu asked tentatively.

Fu Yan silently recalled his interactions with those men, and couldn't help but curl his lips, "Not very good."

"One is like a piece of wood, showing no mercy at all; one is careless and talks inanely; one is a cunning fox who knows how to set traps for others; one is very willful and does not listen to others at all; and the other is sometimes gloomy. Sometimes he is irritable, and he also likes to bite!" Fu spoke quickly, crackling about them, making his teeth itch with hatred, "In short, none of them are good!"

"...Haha." Rong Lu patted Fu Yan's shoulder comfortingly and handed him a new cake. It seemed that these people made Xiao Yan very angry...

"Let's not talk about them! Anyway, it's just a cooperative relationship with them~ The TV series is still good! Let's watch the update!" Fu Yan's beautiful cat eyes were twinkling with little stars, and he looked at Rong Lu longingly.

Rong Lu couldn't help but smile when she saw Fu Yan's cute look. She quickly opened the updated episode and started watching it with Fu Yan.

The Second Military District of the main planet - this is the second largest army after the military district controlled by Lu Linzhi and the others. The captain is Su Tianzong, the grandson of the previous leader of the military district.

Su Tianzong was also handsome and handsome, but the sinister look in his eyes that occasionally flashed every time he mentioned the five people in the military region made others feel uncomfortable.

"What did you say? They found someone who can heal the mental power?!" Su Tianzong heard the report from his subordinates and angrily swept all the things on the table to the ground. The sound of crackling things resounded throughout the office.

"...Who is it?" Su Tianzong gritted his teeth slightly, suppressing the anger and anxiety in his heart.

"It's a player named Fu Yan. They have been bound to this player." His subordinates said tremblingly.

"You're so quick!" Su Tianzong said through gritted teeth, thinking of a solution in his mind. He absolutely couldn't let those people recover their mental power! Originally, based on the degree of mental damage of those people, if they continued to take medicine, they would die within a few years, but now it turns out...!

Su Tianzong has always been very dissatisfied. He is obviously the descendant of the person in charge of the military region, so why shouldn't he be the captain of the military region? ! Why can he only be the captain of the newly-established Second Military District? !

However, those people's mental power was too high for him to compare with, so when he knew that no one could cure the mental power of those people, how happy he felt! He originally thought that after they died, he would be able to control the entire military region, but now he actually told him that someone could heal their mental powers? Absolutely not! ! !

"Is the young master of the Ye family still chasing Lu Linzhi and the others?" Su Tianzong thought of a person and suddenly had an idea.

"Yes, Ye Qiao has always wanted to enter the game with Lu Linzhi and the others, but has never been successful. He should also know by now that Lu Linzhi and the others have bound players," reported Shuixihui.

"Okay, you send someone to Ye Qiao to give a hint. Now that Lu Linzhi and the others have bound players, his chances are even smaller. The only way now is to ask him to ask his old man for help to enable multiplayer. Game mode." Su Tianzong narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The subordinate nodded and immediately carried out the mission.

Ye Qiao, the grandson of Mr. Ye, the head of the seven major political ministers who control the administrative region, has been frail and sick since he was a child, so he looks beautiful, weak, and lovable. Outside, he has always been taken care of by everyone. Because of an accident, he was seen at school. When the five captains arrived at the military area to recruit army members, they fell in love at first sight. After learning that no one could cure their mental powers, they felt that only they could save them.

Ye family——

Ye Qiao looked at the document sent by the detective and frowned slightly, feeling very unwilling to do so. Brother Lu and the others actually bound the player! Why don't they see that he exists? Obviously his mental power is A-level, so he can definitely heal their mental power!

It must be because the Ye family belongs to the political district faction, and Brother Lu and the others belong to the military district faction. The two factions have always been somewhat tit-for-tat, so Brother Lu and the others are so restrained. As long as they know that he can help them, they will definitely like him!

But now that Brother Lu and the others have bound players, how can we let them know that he can also heal mental power? He has never been able to enter the same game as Brother Lu and the others, what should he do...

Didi - someone sent him a message. They were his good friends. They had been listening to him express his love for Brother Lu and the others before, and they would also give him advice. Why not ask him!

Ye Qiao quickly told his good friend what happened. The two chatted for a long time and finally thought of a way - to turn on the multiplayer game mode, which allows multiple players and multiple matches to enter a game world at the same time, so that he can I met Brother Lu and the others in the game!

As long as Brother Lu and the others have done this with him once, they will definitely know how well he matches them! Ye Qiao made up his mind and excitedly went to discuss it with his grandfather.

Under Ye Qiao's persistent stalking and coquettishness, Mr. Ye, who was originally angry and refused to agree, finally relented and agreed to help find a solution for the happiness of his sweet grandson and the future of the Ye family.


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