Chapter 21: Mysterious Mountain Village ① (plot, Xiaoyan's stomach was caught)

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[What the writer wants to say:]

At present, Xiao Gong and Xiao Yan are just treating this relationship as a transaction. Please stay tuned to see how the two sides fall~


[The Eighth Game: Mysterious Mountain Village]

[Preliminary summary: You are a pampered rich young man who likes to explore various deep mountains. This time when you went to explore a deep mountain forest with your housekeeper, you accidentally lost your way and accidentally broke into a remote mountain village...]

[Mission: ① Destroy the target village; ② Make love with the bound match. 】

Fu Yan looked at the deep mountains full of trees and weeds everywhere, and sighed helplessly. He was now walking with the old housekeeper in the direction of the village marked by the system. They had been walking all afternoon and only drank some water. It was getting dark, and both of them were hungry and tired.

Finally seeing the fire not far away, Fu Yan and the housekeeper walked over together, but were stopped as soon as they reached the entrance of the village.

"who are you?!"

There is someone guarding the entrance to the village? Fu Yan suddenly had a suspicion in his heart. Although he didn't know if the five guys who were bound were in this village, it was obvious that this village had secrets.

"We accidentally got lost. Can we stay with you tonight?" the old housekeeper said quickly.

"Anyone who knows about the existence of our village cannot be let go easily! Catch them! Ask the village chief tomorrow what to do." The guarding villagers said nothing and caught both of them at once.

The old housekeeper was startled. Fu Yan shook his head at him and motioned to take a look at the situation first.

The two were escorted to a woodshed and locked up. The woodshed was dirty and messy. Fu Yan frowned in disgust. He looked around and saw that there were still people guarding the door and it was dark outside the windows.

Fu Yan gently sniffed the air, which smelled faintly of gunpowder.

"Young Master, you need to rest quickly. I'll talk to them tomorrow. Maybe they just want money." The old housekeeper looked at Fu Yan with a worried look.

"Well, we'll be fine, butler." Fu Yan smiled to comfort the old butler, with deep dimples on his face.

The two of them cleared two cleaner areas and fell asleep.

The next day, Fu Yan woke up early, his stomach was shriveled with hunger. He heard the footsteps in the distance and thought to himself, if you don't let him out today, don't blame him for escaping. There's a big fuss~

"It's time for breakfast!" The guard from last night came over with porridge in a stainless steel rice bowl, with obvious contempt in his attitude.

Fu Yan glanced at the porridge with a few vegetable leaves floating around. He had no appetite at all, but he still took a spoonful of it to save his dignity. Once he ate it, it was like drinking boiled water.

Fu Yan threw the spoon back into the basin with a snap and glanced sideways at the guard outside the door. His attitude was very arrogant, just like a pampered young master: "It tastes bad!"

The two villagers guarding him looked at him unkindly: "You are so arrogant even when you are about to die."

"I'm telling you, the village chief will be here soon. If you want to eat, you should do it now."

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