Chapter 15: The Imprisoned Mermaid ① (plot)

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[The seventh game: The imprisoned mermaid]

[Preliminary summary: You are a deep-sea mermaid who was accidentally caught by a research institute. Human beings hope to obtain the secret of immortality from you, so they have been conducting research on you. You have been tortured, and you have always wanted to escape but failed. As a result, until you meet two new researchers...]

[Mission: ① Destroy the laboratory; ② Have sex with one of the two new researchers (time limit: five days)]

"Hello, Dean Li!"

In a remote research institute located underground, a serious-looking middle-aged man wearing a medical robe walked in quickly. When everyone in the institute saw him, they lowered their heads with reverence on their faces.

This middle-aged man is the director of the institute and the proposer and main researcher of the "Mermaid Research Project".

Dean Li walked into the research room where the mermaids were kept. The huge glass water tank in the middle of the room was particularly eye-catching. There was an extremely beautiful young mermaid sleeping in the water. A long chain extended from the collar around his neck to the water. At the bottom of the tank, the young man's facial features are exquisite, as if he were the darling of heaven. Every detail is perfectly and touchingly depicted; his lower body is a dark blue fish tail that is the color of the sea, and the scales on the fish tail sparkle in the water and under the light.

Dean Li looked at the mermaid boy who spent a lot of effort to get it, with an obsessed look in his eyes. He motioned to the researcher next to him, and the researcher quickly pressed a switch next to him, and the water level inside dropped rapidly.

Fu Yan was disturbed and slowly woke up. A pair of obsidian-like enchanting cat eyes looked at the researchers outside the glass without emotion, with condescending arrogance and disgust towards them.

The water level was getting lower and lower, and the mermaid boy fell to the ground. The researcher pressed another button, and the collar around the boy's neck immediately injected a powerful anesthetic into his body! After a while, Fu Yan felt that his body could not move and he could not use any strength.

The surrounding researchers opened the water tank, moved the mermaid boy to the operating bed, locked it, and pushed it out; while Dean Li and some other researchers walked up to the mermaid, looked at the helpless mermaid, showed a satisfied smile, and then Picked up the scalpel on the side.

"How do you preserve your blood so that it doesn't lose its activity? This time I want to try the effect of mermaid meat. I will only cut a small amount. With your recovery ability, you can recover quickly." Dean Li His tone seemed to be discussing, but without any hesitation in his hand movements, he directly cut off a piece of meat from the mermaid's arm!

Blood surged out instantly, but at the same time, the excellent regenerative ability of the mermaid allowed his wounds to gradually heal, cells grew rapidly, and the anesthetic was quickly metabolized and lost its effect. The severe pain stimulated Fu Yan's brain, making him unable to bear it. He wanted to struggle, but his body was imprisoned and could not move at all. He could only let these people draw blood and cut flesh on his body, enduring constant torture, and the wounds continued to increase.

Fu Yan gritted his teeth tightly and stared at the crazy-looking people around him with his dark eyes. How dare they do this to him? He would definitely take it back!

After Dean Li took the research sample from the mermaid, he hurriedly left to study with a look of excitement and enthusiasm. However, the bloody mermaid boy was thrown back into the water tank without even bandaging his wounds, allowing him to heal on his own.

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