Chapter 47: The favored young master (expressing feelings to each other)

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[What the writer wants to say:]

Hum hum, what Xiao Yan came up with was an idea that would break his waist~

(My body is fine for now, my head just hurts slightly!)


The next day, Fu Yan woke up and felt sore and painful when he moved slightly. His body seemed to be different from his and was about to fall apart.

The bright sunshine shone onto the bed from the window, and it was warm. Fu Yan lay on the bed and thought about what happened last night. He was tortured by the five beasts until two or three in the morning. He was tired and sleepy and fell asleep at one point, but he didn't. After a while, I was woken up by them again...

I wish them all to die soon! Fu Yan grinded his teeth angrily and thought bitterly.

At this time, there was the sound of the door opening, and as the door opened, a burst of food smelled.

Fu Yan turned around and saw that both Chi Yanyang and Lu Linzhi were holding large plates filled with food.

"Xiao Yan, you're awake!" Chi Yanyang smiled happily when he saw Fu Yan.

Lu Linzhi put the plate on the table nearby, helped Fu Yan up and sat on the bedside, and whispered, "This is a dessert made for you."

Fu Yan's eyes lit up, then he straightened his face, coughed slightly and said, "Don't think I will forgive you for doing this! It's all your fault, my whole body hurts now! And I have classes in the morning, so I can't make it !”

"Baby, don't be angry. Let's eat some breakfast to cushion your stomach." Mu Chen massaged Fu Yan very skillfully.

"We thought about it all night." Ji Shiyu touched Fu Yan's hair and said with a gentle smile, "I finally understand why we were so angry last night."

"Why, why?" A trace of nervousness flashed in Fu Yan's big cat eyes.

"There must be a reason why you deliberately get close to others to test us, Xiaoyan~" Ji Shiyu said with a slight smile.

"..." Fu Yan's cheeks were slightly red, he stared at Ji Shiyu dissatisfied, and muttered and complained: "You are so annoying..."

Yu Wen held Fu Yan's hand and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it. His dark eyes looked at Fu Yan seriously: "I like Xiao Yan."

"Ah! Xiaoyu, you actually said it before me?!" Chi Yanyang immediately protested. He quickly got in front of Fu Yan, his eyes shining: "Xiaoyan, I like you ~ you like me too, okay? We can We’ve been together forever!”

"Yangyang, go away, go away. Of course the baby likes me~" Mu Chen pushed Chi Yanyang away, kissed Fu Yan's forehead, took Fu Yan's hand and placed it on the position of his heart, slightly curling his lips. He said in a loud voice: "Baby Yanyan, you said before that I would use this in exchange for your love. Now I give it to you, can you feel it?"

The heart under his palm was beating rapidly and forcefully, making his heartbeat speed up. Fu Yan looked at Mu Chen who looked relaxed on the surface but had seriousness and a hint of nervousness in his eyes. He couldn't help but slightly raised his eyebrows and smiled: "Then I'll accept it~"

"Wait a minute! You seemed to have a lot of fun chatting with a girl last night!" Fu Yan poked Mu Chen in the chest.

Mu Chen was stunned and couldn't help laughing: "Baby, are you still jealous? Last night I just talked to her about my kitten liking me. As for the purpose, maybe it's to test our ideas with someone. it's the same."

Fu Yan blinked, hummed slightly and turned away, confidently making excuses for himself: "Then I, a weak man, can't be deceived by you both physically and mentally, right?"

"Let's not talk about whether there is any problem with the word "weak", so Xiaoyan is admitting that you were deceived by us?" Ji Shiyu said with a smile. Seeing Fu Yan trying to retort, he directly moved forward and kissed the other person, who was slightly red and swollen. After a while, he let go of the good boy with red cheeks, and smiled warmly: "Don't worry about being deceived, I like you too~"

"Oh..." Fu Yan's face turned pink and he responded slowly. His eyes wandered in embarrassment, and suddenly he found that Lu Linzhi had been staring at him.

When their eyes met, Lu Linzhi handed over the breakfast on the side and whispered expressionlessly: "Breakfast is getting cold."

Fu Yan took the small plate blankly, and there was still a hint of heat floating on the soft pastry.

Fu Yan absentmindedly ate the breakfast brought by Chi Yanyang, his eyes drifting to Lu Linzhi from time to time. Everyone else had confessed, but he was the only one missing! Doesn't this piece of wood dislike him? !

Lu Linzhi couldn't help but sigh when he saw that Fu Yan was so distracted that he couldn't eat breakfast properly. He put the dessert he made in the morning in front of Fu Yan and said in a low voice with a hint of helpless doting: "I won't give it to you." If you don’t like people making desserts, they will only be made for you from now on.”

"This guy Lu Linzhi didn't let us try any of the desserts he first learned to make." Mu Chen laughed lazily.

Fu Yan looked at Lu Linzhi with his big cat eyes, his eyes sparkling. He was very happy after hearing the satisfactory answer, and happily started eating the dessert made by Lu Linzhi.

"Xiaoyan, once you fall in love with us, you can't escape anymore~" Ji Shiyu pushed up his glasses with a smile on his face.

"If you fall in love with someone else later, we will lock you up and never let you go." Mu Chen said with a half-smile, "How about it? Are you afraid?"

Fu Yan slowly swallowed the dessert in his mouth and showed a cute smile: "If you betray me, I will not lock you up, I will kill you all~"

"Hahahaha!" Mu Chen couldn't help laughing, messing up Fu Yan's hair, and couldn't help showing a hint of excitement in his eyes, "That couldn't be better~"

It seemed like they were both crazy, so it was a perfect match.

Fu Yan was too lazy to pay attention to Mu Chen, who was making moves. After tasting the snacks made by Lu Linzhi, he finally regained some energy and rested for a while before going to school for the afternoon class. Lu Linzhi and the others also went about their own business.

When Xiao Zize came to the classroom where he had classes in the afternoon, when he saw him, he quickly sat next to him and asked worriedly: "Fu Yan, were you okay last night? I see that the head of the Lu family and your brothers seem to be very angry."

Fu Yan shook his head, pursed his lips and smiled: "It's okay, they are just worried about me."

"Then you want to come to my house to play today?" Xiao Yize mustered up his courage again.

Fu Yan shook his head, with a shy smile on his face: "I'm not going, someone will be jealous~"

Xiao Yize was stunned for a moment, and his little heart of secret love was broken into pieces. He couldn't accept this reality until Fu Yan left after class.

After returning home from class in the afternoon, Fu Yan went to the refrigerator to find ice cream, and happily sat on the sofa in the living room while eating and watching TV series. Suddenly, he heard the faint voice of the housekeeper talking to the servant outside the door.

"Butler, don't we need to go shopping for the master's birthday tomorrow?"

"I asked Mr. Lu yesterday and he said it would be fine as usual."

"Okay, we get it."

Fu Yan raised his eyebrows, Lu Linzhi's birthday? Birthdays in the game are really nothing to celebrate, and they are not real birthdays.

Fu Yan bit his spoon and suddenly remembered a scene from a TV series he had watched before. His eyes lit up and he came up with a fun idea.


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