Chapter 14: The Captive Dragon ⑤ (End of mission, 3 attacks and 5 appearances)

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"So tired..." Fu Yan soaked in the bathtub brought by the maid, soaking his whole body in hot water.

He was attacked by those two beasts at night last night, and when he woke up this morning, that bastard Chi Yanyang still stuffed his penis inside his body! He was so angry that he almost poisoned the other party to death, but unfortunately he was discovered by the other party and escaped death.

Fu Yan endured the shame and cleaned the semen from the front and back small holes. As soon as he went out after taking a shower, he found Mu Chen and Chi Yanyang standing at the door waiting for him.

"..." Fu Yan glanced sideways at the two of them, ignored them completely and walked out of the palace.

"Xiao Yan, I'm sorry..." Chi Yanyang returned to his pitiful and harmless look and followed Fu Yan.

The noble prince actually likes this commoner so much? ! Chi Yanyang's behavior made the maids glare at Fu Yan with jealous expressions on their faces.

Mu Chen watched slowly from the side, while he repaired Chi Yanyang's knife: "Baby, it was Yangyang who gave you the medicine last night. I only came over when I heard some noise."

"..." Chi Yanyang smiled guiltily. Seeing Fu Yan glance at him coldly, he immediately admitted his mistake. He held Fu Yan's arm and shook it: "Xiao Yan, I was wrong..." But he to not fix.

"By the way, Xiaoyan, I'll take you to Xicheng District today! It's close to the coast and has a lot of different delicacies from Dongcheng District!" Chi Yanyang quickly showed off Fu Yan's favorite things.

Fu Yan paused and looked at Chi Yanyang with a smile: "Okay, lead the way."

"Xiaoyan, have you forgiven me?! Let's go, it's the last day, let's go play together~" Chi Yanyang's bright smile was more dazzling than the sun. He pulled Fu Yan into the carriage and drove to Xicheng District.

Mu Chen looked at Fu Yan's expression and curled his lips slightly. The kitten's smile seemed a bit scary, right? Three seconds of silence for Yangyang.

Compared with Dongcheng District, Xicheng District is relatively backward, the streets are messy, the people living here are more rough and casual, and the cries of shops and stalls are endless.

Fu Yan was a little stunned as he looked at the children running past him happily. This place was a bit like the slums where he lived when he was a child.

"Xiao Yan, what's wrong?" Chi Yanyang asked suspiciously when he saw Fu Yan motionless.

"It's okay." Fu Yan looked away, feeling a little complicated.

Mu Chen looked at the children who were running away, then at Fu Yan, thinking slightly.

Fu Yan was walking on the street. Since the clothes and appearance of the three of them were a little out of place for this place, many people would stare at them.

Fu Yan was not in high spirits. Seeing this, Chi Yanyang frowned slightly and reached out to touch Fu Yan's hair and said, "Xiao Yan, I'll buy you that tofu dessert. It's said to be delicious. You wait here." Me~"

Fu Yan watched Chi Yanyang walk into a store not far away. He turned his eyes and suddenly saw two ragged children begging in the alley next to the store. At that moment, he seemed to see the children who had once desperately tried to Survive yourself.

Fu Yan walked over and squatted in front of the two children. He looked at their timid eyes and asked softly, "Where are your parents?"

"Already, already dead..." The older boy held his brother's hand tightly and looked at Fu Yan with some vigilance and fear.

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