Chapter 40: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (I can do w

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Chapter 40: My childhood sweethearts all want me to be a child bride (I can do whatever I want, school sports day)

[What the writer wants to say:]

The next chapter is Che Che, guess where it will be done?


In the new week, Fu Yan went to the canteen with Zhang Yanghui for dinner after class, and then went to the gym to find Chi Yanyang alone.

When we went to the amusement park together on Sunday, Chi Yanyang kept coquettishly asking him to go to the gym after class to watch him train. Because it was too annoying, Fu Yan "had no choice but to" agree.

According to Zhang Yanghui, Chi Yanyang is a physical education student and is good at various sports. I heard that his opponent won the first place in several competitions in the school sports meeting last year.

Fu Yan came to the gymnasium, where many people were training hard for the school sports day the day after tomorrow. Fu Yan quickly found Chi Yanyang, after all, his pink hair was too conspicuous.

Chi Yanyang was wearing a short-sleeved sportswear and was practicing a 100-meter run. When the student timing next to him blew his whistle, Chi Yanyang jumped out, like a swift leopard, and rushed to the finish line in one fell swoop.

"It's amazing..." Fu Yan couldn't help but marvel, Yangyang is still very handsome~

Not far away, some girls watching were also discussing Chi Yanyang.

"Senior Chi runs so fast." "Yeah, actually, Senior Chi is also very handsome..." "But he usually wears weird clothes, and his pink hair doesn't match a boy!" "That's right. Oh, if only he could always wear tracksuits..."

Fu Yan listened to other people's comments about Chi Yanyang, and couldn't help but remember that every time he saw him in the game, he had different hair colors, and he always wore all kinds of strange and exaggerated accessories and clothes. There are always colorful patterns and strange shapes... Yesterday, I went to the amusement park to hate the sun and attracted a lot of people's attention.

Fu Yan sighed, Yang Yang's aesthetics were not acceptable to ordinary people.

At this time, Chi Yanyang was surrounded by several boys, who seemed to be joking with Chi Yanyang, but Chi Yanyang's expression didn't look good.

Fu Yan walked over, but before he even got close, he heard one of the boys patting Chi Yanyang on the shoulder and laughing: "Yanyang, why haven't you dyed your hair back yet? Didn't I ask you to dye your hair back to black last week? ?Pink is too ugly hahaha!”

"Really? I think it looks good." Chi Yanyang said calmly.

"Hahaha, you have something wrong with your aesthetics, you have to listen to us." Several boys laughed, "The clothes you usually wear are also very strange. Girls all say so. You don't want the girl you like to dislike you, right? "

Chi Yanyang was stunned. Although he didn't like a girl, what did Xiao Yan think? Do you think he is strange too?

"The person I like will never dislike me." Chi Yanyang's voice was slightly cold.

"That's just what you think. Maybe she has been laughing at you in her heart!"

"That's right, hahaha!"


Fu Yan was speechless and stepped forward to pat Chi Yanyang on the shoulder. When the other party saw him coming, his eyes suddenly lit up like a big dog's.

"Xiao Yan! You came to see me train!" Chi Yanyang happily held Fu Yan's hand, and the anger he felt just now disappeared.

Fu Yan nodded, then looked at the boys with disgust and said, "What does it have to do with you what color Yangyang likes to dye her hair and wear clothes?"

"W-what?" The boys were stunned.

Chi Yanyang held Fu Yan's hand slightly and looked at him with bright eyes.

"Yangyang is handsome. He can wear whatever he likes. He is much better than some ugly people who want to laugh at and educate others, don't you think?" Fu Yan said with a smile.

The boys looked at each other, agreed with a forced smile, and quickly made excuses to leave. They did not dare to offend Fu Yan, after all, he knew the three students from the student union.

Seeing them running away, Fu Yan snorted: "It's really useless."

Chi Yanyang hugged Fu Yan's shoulders, with a bright smile on his face: "Xiao Yan, were you speaking for me just now?"

Fu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly and stretched out his hand to tug Chi Yanyang's cheek, "Isn't it because you didn't fight back? This kind of person should be scolded directly."

"Hey, I was thinking about you just now and didn't listen carefully to what they said." Chi Yanyang quickly kissed Fu Yan on the face while others were not paying attention, "Xiao Yan, don't you dislike my clothes?" Already?"

Fu Yan rolled his eyes at Chi Yanyang: "I'm overthinking it. I still dislike your fancy dress, won't hinder me no matter what you wear, just do what you like."

Chi Yanyang suddenly felt aggrieved, Xiaoyan still disliked him...

Fu Yan couldn't see Chi Yanyang's pitiful appearance and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He touched the other party's pink and brown curly hair and comforted him: "Okay, although your dress is a bit strange, you are still handsome. It's better than some people who even dress like this." There is no capital.”

Chi Yanyang was also easy to coax. Hearing Fu Yan compliment him on how handsome he was, he immediately showed a silly smile: "Hey, Xiaoyan, Yanyan, I like you so much~"

Fu Yan smiled helplessly: "It's your own business anyway. You can do whatever you want and don't worry about others."

Chi Yanyang blinked and whispered close to Fu Yan's ear: "Xiaoyan, can I really do whatever I want? Then I want to have sex with Xiaoyan~"

"..." Fu Yan stepped on Chi Yanyang's shoes and sneered: "Ha, hurry up and practice with me!"

I practiced with Chi Yanyang for two days, and Wednesday to Friday were the days of the school sports meet.

Chi Yanyang participated in several competitions, the first of which was the 100-meter race. Fu Yan and Yu Wen came to the starting point to cheer Chi Yanyang up, and then waited for him at the finish line.

The signal gun rang out, and Chi Yanyang flew towards the finish line sharply and quickly like an arrow from the string! People around him shouted cheers. Fu Yan was infected by this atmosphere and waved to Chi Yanyang to cheer him on.

The result was no surprise. Chi Yanyang crossed the finish line first. He did not stop after sprinting, but ran straight in the direction of Fu Yan, and then hugged him!

Fu Yan was almost knocked down by him, but fortunately Chi Yanyang held him tightly and kept him from falling to the ground.

Chi Yanyang panted rapidly, sweat falling from his forehead, and asked with a low smile: "Xiaoyan, am I handsome?!"

"Very handsome!" Fu Yan couldn't help but laugh out loud. He didn't care about the eyes of others and kissed the side of Chi Yanyang's face vigorously, "A reward for you~"

Chi Yanyang touched the place where he was kissed, giggled for a while, and quickly said to Fu Yan: "Xiao Yan, I still have many competitions! You have to come and watch! Also, if I win the first place, you have to give it to me too. Reward~"

"I know, I know." Fu Yan smiled and touched Chi Yanyang's hair.

Soon it was lunch break. Fu Yan, Lu Linzhi and the other five had lunch together under the shade of a tree. The other students were enjoying the rare free time to play in the school during the school sports day. Fu Yan was thinking about whether to take a nap. While taking a nap, Chi Yanyang held Xiao Yan's hand, smiling brightly and harmlessly: "Xiao Yan, come with me to a place."

Lu Linzhi and the others exchanged glances and followed suit in a tacit understanding.


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