Chapter 26: Mysterious Mountain Village ⑥ (micro H, handsome mark)

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In the woods, Ji Shiyu and the others kissed Fu Yan for a long time before letting each other go. Although they wanted to do it in their hearts, they decided to stay until night after thinking about it.

Chi Yanyang looked disappointed, holding Fu Yan in his arms and refusing to let go while being dragged back by Fu Yan.

Back at the wooden house, Lu Linzhi was cooking dinner in the kitchen. He saw Fu Yan coming back and stared at him for a while before carrying him to the kitchen expressionlessly: "Come and help."

Although Fu Yan was confused, he still stayed in the kitchen to help. After all, he still wanted to have a delicious dinner, but he couldn't offend Lu Linzhi!

For Fu Yan, watching Lu Linzhi cook was a kind of enjoyment. He was amazed by the clean and skillful knife skills. Fu Yan looked at the taciturn Lu Linzhi and couldn't help but be curious: " Why are you so good at cooking? Have you practiced since childhood?"

Lu Linzhi paused slightly, whispered "Hmm", and then continued the movement of his hands.

"That's awesome..." Fu Yan pursed his lips and smiled, his two cute dimples shining brightly, "You must really like cooking~ You also have to cook for those guys outside. I would definitely be annoyed if you did!" Fu Yan muttered quietly while choosing vegetables.

Lu Linzhi looked at Fu Yan's smile and recalled in his mind the way his mother encouraged him when he was a child. Later, after his mother passed away and he was caught on the main planet and started closed death training, cooking became The only thing that could calm him down.

"My mother taught me this." Lu Linzhi's voice was low, with a hint of nostalgia.

Fu Yan was stunned, and when he saw Lu Linzhi's slightly softened profile, he couldn't help but smile, and said softly: "That's great~ I've never seen my mother, so I wonder if her cooking is also delicious? "

Lu Linzhi was silent for a moment, not knowing how to comfort Fu Yan, and finally changed the subject with an expressionless face: "What do you like to eat? I'll cook it for you next time."

"Really?!" Fu Yan's big cat eyes flashed with little stars, "I want dessert! Small cake!"

"...Okay." Lu Linzhi nodded and agreed, but he had never done it before. This time he would try to do it when he went back after the game.

The two prepared dinner, others helped bring the dishes out, and everyone started eating together.

Lu Linzhi gave Fu Yan a few pieces of meat and said calmly: "You sleep in my room tonight."

"Huh???" Fu Yan was happily eating the delicious meat. When he heard Lu Linzhi's words, his face suddenly became full of doubts.

Others were also stunned. Chi Yanyang was the first to protest: "Brother Lu, even you can't monopolize Xiaoyan!"

"Yangyang is right." On the surface, Mu Chen looked at Lu Linzhi and Fu Yan calmly, but he felt a little unhappy in his heart. First Ji Shiyu and now Lu Linzhi, why did he feel that Mao Mao had crossed paths with everyone else except him? Are you getting closer?

"I heard that you did other things outside today." Lu Linzhi raised his eyebrows slightly.

"..." His carelessness was discovered! The few people who had protested just now fell silent. This was an internal rule set by the five of them since they were in the group in order to survive in training. They must always be vigilant outside. If anyone fails to do it, he will be the loser of the day. Listen to what the winner wants.

"I accidentally let my guard down in the game." Ji Shiyu smiled helplessly.

"Alas... who is it! I can't be with Xiao Yan tonight..." Chi Yanyang suddenly became depressed, and the blue-gray curly hair on his head seemed to have wilted. He looked at Fu Yan pitifully: "Xiaoyan, are you willing to let me stay alone in an empty room?"

Lu Linzhi glanced at Fu Yan and added lightly: "Which choice is more tiring, you choose yourself."

Fu Yan thought about the loss of his old waist last night, and instantly made up his mind, speaking firmly: "I'll go to your room."

Fu Yan quickly finished his dinner and ran away, feeling Chi Yanyang's aggrieved gaze behind him.

After watching the TV series with Chi Yanyang in the evening, Fu Yan rubbed the big dog's head and gave him a kiss after thinking about it. Only then did Chi Yanyang feel a little happier. Fu Yan said good night to him and then Went to Lu Linzhi's room.

Lu Linzhi was sitting by the bed looking at his phone. When he saw Fu Yan come in, he turned off the information he was reading on his phone and waved to Fu Yan to come over.

Fu Yan walked slowly to Lu Linzhi's side, and was hugged hard by the man and sat on his lap. The man's tall figure easily enveloped him in his arms.

"Have you taken a shower?" Lu Linzhi gently touched the silver bracelet on Fu Yan's left hand and asked in a low voice.

"Not yet." Fu Yan lazily leaned against Lu Linzhi's strong chest, his long eyelashes fluttering, and he was wondering if he would kill Lu Linzhi if he suddenly pushed out the poisonous needle. It will be fun~ Although this plan will fail ninety-nine percent of the time.

"Just in time, let's go together." Lu Linzhi directly hugged Fu Yan and strode to the bathroom.

Lu Linzhi took off his clothes in a few moments, then stripped Fu Yan naked. When the shower was turned on, hot water poured down on the two of them.

Fu Yan saw the various deep and shallow scars on Lu Linzhi's body, and couldn't help but reach out and touch them gently. The other person's muscles suddenly tensed up, as if he was not used to it.

"Where did you get all these scars?" Fu Yan asked curiously.

Lu Linzhi's dark eyes drooped slightly, holding Fu Yan's waist with one hand, and the other hand went down along Fu Yan's waistline, kneading the young man's sensitive ‌‍‌‎‍yin‎‎‌pedicle‍‍and ‌‌‍cunt‌ ‎‍‌Lip‌‎‌‍‎, with a slightly hoarse voice: "That wound was left when I was training when I was a child."

Fu Yan's breathing gradually became disordered as he was touched by Lu Linzhi, and he hummed softly in comfort. His tender fingertips scratched another rather hideous wound, and he asked softly: "Well... what about this one?"

Lu Linzhi's dark eyes were filled with desire. He inserted two fingers into the tight small hole, and the soft flesh inside immediately wrapped around him enthusiastically; but Lu Linzhi's face Still expressionless, he answered Fu Yan's question seriously: "The first time I killed the Zerg, I was bitten by the Zerg's mouthparts."

"Yeah~" The man's fingers knew his body better and soon found his sensitive points. Fu Yan was so stimulated that his waist softened, and a soft moan escaped from his throat involuntarily.

Fu Yan hugged Lu Linzhi's neck, looked at the man's angular and stern face, and reached out to touch the scar on the corner of the man's eyebrow, "What about this?"

Lu Linzhi moved for a moment, and then continued to expand, his voice low and hoarse: "That was when I was a child, my father wanted to hurt my mother, and I was stabbed by the knife when I tried to block him, and then I killed him. That was also the first time I killed someone. .”

Fu Yan was stunned for a moment. He saw Lu Linzhi's expressionless expression and felt a little uncomfortable for some reason. He stood on tiptoe slightly, came closer to the scar, and kissed it gently. He saw Lu Linzhi's stunned expression. , Fu Yan pursed his lips and smiled: "Then this is the handsome mark left behind by you protecting your mother~"

Lu Linzhi stared at Fu Yan with his dark eyes. The next second, he took out his fingers, lifted the young man's legs, and thrust the purple-black and ferocious cock in with a fierce thrust. ‎The small‎‍‎‌hole‌‎‍ is in!


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