Bit Bad

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Kid Ritz POV:

Driving through Mount Rageous feels off as I see no cars besides Fred's truck tailing me.

We drive close together, not bothering to stop for red lights. It's eerie; it feels like I'm driving in a game. We drive until I see someone that nearly stops my heart.

A girl lies in the road, her head turned away from view. Black blood and worms surround her body.

I stop the car short, Fred nearly hitting into the car. I get out, slowly approaching the girl.

Fred: "Dude! You can't stop like that. I almost- oh shit!"

I hear him get out, the sounds of his and Rollie's footsteps approaching behind me.

Rollie: "Ew, it smells terrible over here. Why is it- oh!"

Rollie gasps as we walk around the girl to see her face.

Fred: "Dude... she's been completely impaled. Do you think she's..."

He doesn't finish his sentence, the three of us simultaneously concluding that she is deceased.

Kid Ritz: "Maybe whoever did it in self-defense? She's wearing an orange jumpsuit; that means she's a prisoner of some sort, right?"

Rollie: "Maybe she escaped prison and went crazy on the street."

Fred: "Explains why she has a head injury; she probably got into a fight and had her crime dished back to her."

We all agree in sadness and pity.

Kid Ritz: "Poor girl. We should move her out of the street."

Rollie's eyes widen, the disgust and uncertainty of touching a dead girl's corpse displayed prominently on his face.

Fred: "I'll grab her by her shoulders. Kid Ritz, you can get her back and legs and Rollie can grab her feet."

We move swiftly, flicking and stomping the worms surrounding her body away in annoyance.

She, unfortunately, smells horrific, like something rotted so severely it's unfathomably disgusting. That makes the process of picking her up for transport that much harder.

We move her to an alley, laying her down gently. I look at her one last time before walking for the car.


I hear a sickening noise followed by Rollie's scream.

I whip around quick enough to see Fred shoot the girl in the head. Black blood splatters all over him and Rolli, the two of them flinching in shock.

Rollie and I gawk in horror at the nasty bite; that dead girl just bit Fred!!! Little beads of blood appear on the fresh bite mark now on his forearm.

I run over to him, kicking the girl away. Fred groans, clutching his arm above the bite.

Kid Ritz: "Shit Fred! Oh crap, I don't know how- come on! Get into my car we'll clean you up at my house! Rollie, take Fred's truck and follow me!"

Rollie simply nods, his eyes wide with fear and concern. As he rushes to Fred's truck, I urge Fred into the passenger side of my car.

Once everyone is seated, we speed away from the dead girl. Fred says nothing, groaning quietly.

Fred reaches into his pocket, scaring me as I think he's going for the gun. Instead, he pulls out a shooter, opening it with his teeth and one hand.

He downs it, tossing the bottle out the window once he's done. I don't question where he got it or why he had it, just worried internally that he did.

We're quiet until we reach my house, the sight of my home bringing me immense relief. Rollie parks behind me, crawling across the seats so he doesn't have to climb through the truck window to get out.

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