It Only Takes A Moment

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Rollie POV:

I finish my shower and towel myself off before getting dressed. Ugh, that's so much better than feeling grimy from the hot tub and bed.

I exit the bathroom, a frown crossing my face as I realize Fred isn't here.

Rollie: "Oh, I guess he had something else he needed to do."

I leave my room, checking the hallway for him, yet I don't see him. I notice his door is closed; hmm, he's probably showering. I head to the conversation pit, sitting down for a total of three seconds before becoming bored.

Geez, I escaped a hell hole like the Rage Dome, managed to survive getting shot, and showered with 6 and 1 body wash, yet I am still bored?

Yeah, honestly? That tracks with my personality.

Looking around, I remember my record player, getting up excitedly. Since I don't have a phone to play from, I'm sure no one would mind if I put some music on.

I pull a vinyl from its sleeve, putting it in the record player before turning it on. "If I Loved You" starts to play, the soft music making my heart happy. I begin humming, letting myself twirl around the conversation pit. Of course, because I'm a natural performer, I start singing along.

The music grabs me, taking me by the hand and dancing me around. The world melts away from me; all that's here is me and my music.

I imagine myself back on stage at the "Hotel Idigo", the crowd staying quiet as I serenade them. They watch in awe and obvious admiration, girls and guys alike swooning for me. A spotlight moves across the crowd, landing on the center.

I stroll to the edge of the stage, realizing that the spotlight has rested on Fred. He watches me as I sing, a pretty smile sitting on his lips. I try to emulate the smoothest singing I can muster, putting everything I have into my performance.

This is what I've been chasing for my whole career; the chance to woo someone I truly admire.

Fred POV:

My shoulders relax in the hot water, my mind feeling calm—until... is that singing? I finish my shower and get changed before walking down the hall. I hear singing; it's Rollie! And wow, he sounds incredible.

I watch from the doorway as he dances and sings, pouring his heart out into the song. I feel my breath be taken away as he performs; he's truly sensational.

Rollie: "If I loved you, time and again, I would try to say. All I'd want you to know. If I loved you, words wouldn't come in an easy way. Round in circles, I'd go. Longin' to tell you, but afraid and shy. I'd let my golden chances pass me by."

Rollie spins, sinking onto the cushions while holding his hand to his heart.

Rollie: "Soon you'd leave me. Off you would go, in the mist of day. Never, never, to know! How I'd love you! If I loved you."

I crying by the end of the song, Rollie taking notice of me in the corner.

Rollie: "Oh Fred! I-I didn't realize you'd left your room."

He walks over to me, his face lining with worry over my tears.

Fred: "Rollie... you're incredible. That was beautiful."

Rollie: "Really? I'm... glad you liked it."

He grabs both of my hands, smiling at me.

Fred: "I loved it, Rollie."

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