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Kid Ritz POV:

Rollie leads me to his bedroom, sitting me down on the bed before going to get the medicine kit. He sits next to me, pulling out aloe vera gel and ointment. He squeezes the gel on his hands, warming it up before I give him my hand.

He massages it into my hand, the sensation very relaxing. My hand starts to stop hurting, which is a relief. Rollie is quiet as he rubs, like his mind is somewhere else.

Kid Ritz: "I appreciate you helping me. You've been a bit like our medic in all of this."

Rollie nods, his eyes looking clearer than I've seen in a while.

Rollie: "I really like medicine. I'm sure if I had gone to school, I'd have pursued it. I like watching doctor shows, and I actually read medicine magazines just because I find them interesting."

Kid Ritz: "That's so cool to know, Rollie!"

He smiles at me, looking happier to discuss his interest. He grabs the ointment, squeezing it onto his hand before rubbing it on mine. It hurts, making me wince.

Rollie: "Sorry."

Kid Ritz: "Don't be. Let's just think about something else. Your eyes are looking better."

Rollie: "Fred told me that earlier. I was wondering why that is. I was thinking our stress and health levels may contribute to our eyes."

Kid Ritz: "Maybe. My eyes are almost completely black now. The indigo in my irises is so dark, it's nearly black."

Rollie: "You've been under a lot of unhealthy stress, Ritz."

Kid Ritz: "I know. So have you."

Rollie sighs, moving to get a bandage for my hand.

Rollie: "I just worry about you all. I think I worry the most about not knowing what to do to help. I have this feeling within me to please, whether that be entertain a crowd or heal a burn."

Kid Ritz: "It's one of your best qualities that makes you so special and caring. It also wears you down."

Rollie keeps quiet, slowly wrapping my hand.

Rollie: "I'm just sad over everything. It's hard to think about."

Kid Ritz: "Do you want to talk through it?"

Rollie looks at me, tears in his eyes.

Rollie: "I... just get sad when Fred feels he has to drink."

Kid Ritz: "I do too. I must say that I think he did something very hard. He told Ven what he needed to hear."

Rollie: "I know. I think Ven handled it well by not screaming and removing himself from the situation."

Kid Ritz: "I... didn't know that's what he looked like with his heat powers."

Rollie: "It's pretty intense. I hope he can learn to control them; I'm afraid he'll hurt himself."

Kid Ritz: "We're both afraid for the boys we love. What we can do is to continue to be there for them and ourselves."

Rollie nods, finishing bandaging my hand. He leans forward, pulling me in for a hug.

Rollie: "I really appreciate you talking with me. It means a lot to me."

Kid Ritz: "Of course, Rollie. We have a special bond, and I enjoy our time together."

Rollie smiles, wiping his tears away.

Rollie: "I need to check on Fred."

Kid Ritz: "Alright. I'll go see if Ven's calmed down."

We leave his room, going our separate ways. I walk outside, finding Ven still in the pool. He's got his ring pop in his mouth, the one from Dom thrown out of the pool on the floor. I pick it up and put it on the lounge chair before approaching Ven.

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