I Don't Trust You

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Kid Ritz POV:

Kid Ritz: "I'll... leave you to get clean."

Ven stares after me, his eyes dimming. I close the bathroom door, hearing through the missing handle as he turns on the water.

I go out to the hallway, finding Fred going to his room.

Fred: "Hey... how's he doing?"

Kid Ritz: "I got his gun."

Fred: "And..."

I bite my lip, not sure what more to say.

Kid Ritz: "I gave him the medicine from Velvet for his breathing."

Fred: "It's from the ring pops."

I bite my lip harder, knowing he's right.

Kid Ritz: "I... don't know what more to do about it."

Fred: "I don't think there's much more for you to do. Rollie's back and neck are killing him from how hard he fell. I will try to help him, so we'll talk later."

Kid Ritz: "Ok. Tell Rollie I hope he feels better."

Fred nods, moving past me to enter the bedroom.

Kid Ritz: "Fred?"

He turns his head, looking at me.

Kid Ritz: "Thank you."

Fred: "For?"

Kid Ritz: "Caring about me enough to stand up to me and not let me go on a suicide mission."

His face softens, hurt flashing his eyes. He strides toward me, pulling me in for a hug.

Fred: "I just need you alive, dude. I... can't do this without you."

I hug him tighter, feeling the weight of emotions pass through us.

I pull away, looking at him sadly as he walks to his room. I walk to the kitchen, take Ven's gun, and look at it on the kitchen table.

Fred POV:

I wasn't ready for that moment of pain between Kid Ritz and me, but I'm glad we exchanged it. I enter the bedroom to see Rollie sitting at the edge of the bed, his hand over his spine.

I walk up to him, looking him over worriedly.

Rollie: "Hi, love."

Fred: "Hi. How are you feeling?"

Rollie: "Old."

Fred: "Old?"

Rollie: "I'm coming up on turning 21... yet I've got back pain like I'm 70."

He rubs his spine, groaning as his hand lifts his shirt to show me where his skin has bruised over.

Fred: "Oh, Rollie. Your back is all bruised."

Rollie: "I guess I fell hard."

Fred: "Do you want me to rub your back?"

Rollie's quiet for a moment, thinking it over in his head.

Rollie: "That sounds nice."

I help him remove his shirt, watching as he gently lays down.

Rollie: "There's lotion in the bathroom."

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