Bite The Bullet

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Kid Ritz POV:

My breath comes out in short, panicked puffs as I realize Johnny's body is gone.

Fred: "What do you mean Johnny isn't here?"

Kid Ritz: "I-I I don't know, dude, but I'm freaking the fuck out. He's gone... but I killed him right here."

I search the locker room, my shin running into the sharp metal door of the locker.

Kid Ritz: "Here! Here's the door I hit him with! You have to believe me, I bashed-"

Fred: "Dude, I don't want to keep hearing you repeat yourself that you killed a guy... I get it."

His words stop me in my tracks. I... guess I have gotten pretty comfortable with admitting I killed someone. 

Kid Ritz: "Sorry... but I am still really freaked out. The door is here... but Johnny isn't."

Fred sighs, sounding upset.

Fred: "Well, there's no use with us staying in here. Let me see the door."

I hand it to him, curious as to why he wants it.

Fred: "I'm going to keep it on us. For self-defense."

Kid Ritz: "Maybe I should find something else as well."

Fred: "Maybe... just know the consequences of your actions before you try something."

That sends me boiling; he's treating me like a fucking criminal.

Kid Ritz: "Dude, I'm not a psycho."

Fred: "You killed someone!"

Kid Ritz: "Yeah? And? I had to do it. Clearly, it didn't even work if his body is gone, so let it go."

Fred: "Let it go? Do you know how batshit crazy it is to hear your best friend be ok that they attempted to kill someone, to bash someone's head in with a metal door? Where's your morality?"

Kid Ritz: "My morality? You can't even tell me you're drinking again! Do you know how badly that crushed Orchid's heart for her to learn you're hiding secrets from her? How bad I'm hurt that you can't trust me? We were there for you in the beginning; we love you!"

Fred: "I am an adult; I don't have to tell you all of my personal problems."

Kid Ritz: "Oh, but you can tell Veneer? He has his secrets that I know he's told you. Don't think Orchid and I haven't noticed you two being secretive. I didn't prod him, because having trust in a relationship is key. Now I wish I had. I may die here without ever knowing why the love of my life and best friend can't trust me enough to talk to me!"

I scream at him, my heart breaking in half. Even in the dark, I can see Fred's hurt face.

Fred: "Kid Ritz, I-"

He stops as a low, groaning sound rings down the tunnel. Fast feet run toward us, sending me into a panic.

Kid Ritz: "Hide. Give me the door."

Fred: "What? No, I-"

Kid Ritz: "Give me the fucking door. I dealt with him once; I can do it again."

Fred: "I'm not letting you die-"

Kid Ritz: "Just hide. You have Rollie to return to; I've lost what I care about."

I grab the door from Fred, shoving him toward a locker. He curses at me as I run to the back of the locker room. I hear the door being kicked open and gnarly growls coming from Johnny. He sounds deranged and monstrous, sending fear down my spine.

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