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Veneer POV:

We pile into the elevator, none of us saying anything for the entirety of the ride.

We reach the top floor, Fred and Kid Ritz walking out first, moving slowly and quietly.

Rollie and I follow cautiously behind, neither of us sure what to expect. The apartment is quiet; the only audible and distinguishable noise is the laundry machine running.

Fred and Kid Ritz check the rooms, returning to Rollie and me in a panic as none of the girls are to be found.

Rollie eyes me worriedly, slowly turning the key into the laundry room to reveal the, of course, dramatic and grotesque sight awaiting us.

All the clothes in the laundry room litter the floor, stanched and soaked in black blood. Black worms wiggle everywhere because, hello, of course they do.

The laundry and dryer doors are open, worms spilling out everywhere into the heap of maniacal atrocity littering the floor.

On the wall, as if written with smeared hands, is the word;
G O T C H A.

I have to walk away quickly from the scene, hurrying to Kid Ritz's bedroom so as not to start crying. Images of Velv and Jewels lost and crying somewhere make me sick to my stomach.

I can't say anything as I hear the boys talk in the hallway, too overwhelmed with emotion and fear to fathom complete sentences.

As badly as I want to get high, melt everything away, I don't pull out my ring pop. I need to accept that things are bad, and the first step is to stay as sober as I can while figuring out what's next.

Kid Ritz POV:

I want to pass out as I see the laundry room, Ven looking immediately distraught as he goes into my bedroom.

I can see Fred's anger well up, yet he surprises me by staying calm enough not to start yelling. I feel hot, dizzy, and scared all at once, knowing my Mama is gone... and I have no idea where she went.

Rollie whimpers quietly, turning toward Fred and me with heavy, glittery tears in his eyes.

Rollie: "I'm so sorry."

Fred's face softens, pulling Rollie in for a hug. He starts sobbing into Fred's shoulder, the sound heart-wrenching.

Fred: "Shh, love. It's ok, I've got you."

Rollie cries harder, his knees shaking as his body wracks with tears.

Kid Ritz: "Let's get you sitting down."

Fred and I guide him out of the laundry room and into his bedroom. Fred sits beside him on the bed, looking up at me with concern as Rollie cries.

Fred: "Lovey, you need to try to breathe. You're going to make yourself sick."

Rollie shakes his head, holding it in his hands.

Rollie: "It's all my fault!"

Fred: "Love, what is?"

Rollie: "I should have stayed behind! Or not let us go in the first place! My apartment was supposed to be safe, and now they're gone!"

He cries impossibly harder, the sight making me want to cry more than I already want to.

Fred rubs his back, holding him close with one hand around his waist, the other rubbing on his knee.

Fred shushes and holds him, kissing and murmuring against his temple. I admit, I'm proud of how well and maturely he's handling this.

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