Burning Love

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Rollie POV:

I try to keep myself together, seeing in the back as Fred and Ven don't say anything. My heart is scared to death for all three boys back there, making me feel weak. Finally, I reach the apartment, jumping out the window before running to the back of the truck. 

I can't help but gasp at the sight of Fred's hands, blistered and raw from touching Ven. I don't know if V can see, but Fred's handprints are burned onto the arms of his shirt. Ven was literally smoking; his body was so hot, I guess a reaction from how angry he was.

We get Kid Ritz in our arms, gingerly walking him into the building and elevator. As we ride, I see Ven's breathing pick up, and he looks like he's getting hot again. I'm moved quickly out of the elevator as Ven almost runs to his room. 

He nearly throws Kid Ritz's legs onto the bed, and as his hands leave his jeans, I can see why. Smoking handprints cover the jeans, showing how he burned through the fabric. Ven gasps angrily, looking the most upset I have ever seen him, apart from beating the monster into a bloodied pulp.

Ven storms out of the bedroom, making me run to catch up to him. I watch him jam the elevator door button with his elbows, his hands emitting smoke. He's shaking way more than he usually does, and his eyes are so bright I can't look directly at him.

Regardless, I don't know where he's going, and it's unsafe for him to wander.

Rollie: "Veneer! Where are you going?"

Ven: "I'm about to blow a fucking fuse, and I can't risk hurting you guys more. I'll be back; I need to cool off before I burn the damn place down."

His voice comes out deep and aggressive, causing me to stop and stare at my friend until the doors close shut. I'm left speechless, utterly unsure on what the fuck to do next. My thoughts are pulled toward Fred groaning in the conversation pit. 

I run to my bathroom, grabbing the medicine kit before running back out to my boyfriend. He's sat with his eyes closed, hands burned badly at his sides. I hurry to sit next to him, trying not to cry as I see how red his hands are.

Rollie: "Love, I'm here. I... I don't know what to do."

Fred opens his eyes, looking at me through tears.

Fred: "Just... could you bandage them. I... don't want the skin... touching surfaces."

I nod, looking through the kit before I find aloe vera gel.

Rollie: "Do you think this would help?"

Fred looks at it, nodding slowly.

Fred: "I'm losing feeling in them, so it wouldn't hurt not to try."

My heart pumps impossibly hard as he says that, making me nearly spill the gel as I try to squeeze some out.

Fred: "Rollie, please try to calm down."

I can't say anything, feeling revoltingly stressed. I get the gel on my hands, looking at his through buckets of glittery tears. Slowly, I rub the gel onto his hands. The skin doesn't feel like skin anymore; instead, it's raw and thin, not how hands are supposed to feel.

I begin sobbing feeling his hands, failing miserably at keeping my cool. 

Fred: "Rollie, my love, please, it's going to be ok."

I shake my head, wiping my tears with my arm as I continue. I finish with the gel, doing my best to get a damn grip and finish the job. As I start on one hand, Fred's demeanor shifts.

Rollie: "Fred... look at me?"

He meets my eyes, looking weak.

Fred: "I'm... sleepy."

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