Conveniently Creepy

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Midori POV:

Midori: "Wow, I'm so impressed with Kid Ritz. I couldn't get a straight sentence from Veneer, so I'm glad they're communicating. I'm sorry for nearly letting his ring pop problems slip."

Carlos looks at me as we walk out of the lobby.

Carlos: "Don't be sorry. I just wanted Ven to do it on his own time. I remember how much it scared him talking about it in prison."

Midori: "Do you think he told Kid Ritz?"

Carlos nods as he opens the door for me. I climb in, feeling a weird feeling deep in the pit of my stomach. As Carlos gets in the driver's seat, a part of me feels really off and sick.

Carlos: "What's wrong? You look not good."

Midori: "I don't know what's wrong. I've been getting this feeling a lot, and I don't know what it is. Normally I'm so happy, and everything is really fun! But... right now, not as much feels fun."

Carlos nods as we pull away from the apartment. 

Carlos: "Sounds like anxiety."

Midori: "Anxiety? Oh my, I've never considered having anxiety as something I'd feel regularly. It's always been something that occasionally I feel, but now, it feels like it's all the time."

Carlos: "That is to be expected in situations like the ones we are in. Talk to Kid Ritz when we see him again, or his Mama. They both work through ansiedad and depresión. I think Kid Ritz has helped Veneer with it, and he would do it with you."

Midori: "You don't think I could have it... permanently, do you? My whole life has been so fun and exciting! Now, it's becoming scary and real."

Carlos looks at me as we reach a red light. I watch as he seems to hesitate before reaching over and placing a hand on mine.

Carlos: "You are growing up. It comes with real life, and real life is... scary and real. That's not always a bad thing, because you grow. It's all about how you deal with the grow and the change."

I nod, more so curious and excited to have his hand on mine. He pulls away, yet leaves me with the bubbly excitement I typically feel. We drive around, scanning the streets for Velvet, yet don't see her. 

Carlos: "I need gas."

Midori: "There's a gas station around here with showers."

Carlos: "Bueno."

He parks the car, letting us switch sides. As I get in, a strange feeling washes over me again. Is that the anxiety? Am I feeling it just by getting out of the car?

I look around, yet, as usual now, I don't see anyone. I get into the driver's seat, looking over the car's controls, when the feeling grows stronger inside of me. I look up, feeling something click within my brain.

Carlos: "Midori? What's wrong."

I don't answer, scanning the back window. It feels like someone's coming—now!

Midori: "GET DOWN!"

I pull Carlos down as something shoots past the car. I wait for only a few seconds for us to be shot at again before sitting up. I put the car into drive, speeding down the street. 

In the rearview mirror, I can see someone standing on the road, smiling wickedly. I speed through the streets, feeling oddly in control and not as freaked out as I feel like I should be. Carlos says nothing, looking very serious. 

I eventually slow down until we get to the gas station. I park the car at one of the pumps, looking at Carlos with wide eyes.

Carlos: "How... did you know they were there?"

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