Untitled Part 69

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Veneer POV:

Kid Ritz and I finish putting our clothes away, taking Rollie and Fred's to their room. Kid Ritz knocks, poking his head in.

After a few seconds back and forth, he opens the door, letting me in. He takes the clothes from me, giving me an encouraging look to talk to Fred.

Fred waves at me, looking very spaced out.

Ven: "Hi, guys. I came to apologize for my behavior. I'm... really scared, but I shouldn't have let that get in the way of keeping you guys safe. I know you guys are just as scared as I am, and it isn't fair for me to jeopardize everything we've worked for."

Rollie: "That's very nice of you to say, Ven. I know I appreciate it. How about you, Fred?"

Fred: "I love you, dude. I just... want you safe."

Ven: "I know, and I appreciate you talking to me, even when I was so upset."

Fred nods, his eyes as heavy as mine are. I can work through my high a lot better than I have in the past, yet it doesn't mean I don't still feel it.

I look as Kid Ritz exits the closet, walking up to me quietly.

Kid Ritz: "How's it going?"

Rollie: "Ven apologised, and we had a good chat."

Kid Ritz smiles, kissing my cheek happily.

Rollie: "I'm going to find the closest thing I can to make macaroni for dinner."

Fred smiles, looking happy to hear the words macaroni and dinner in the same sentence.

Kid Ritz: "I love macaroni."

Fred: "Dude... I know."

Fred laughs, his head tilting back on the pillows. It's amusing to see him so silly again, yet for the reason he is, it's hard. Knowing I contributed to him drinking himself to this point... hurts. It hurts bad.

Fred: "Ven... Ven... um... I have... my yo-yo. I have tricks."

Rollie: "They're very good. Why don't you show Ven your tricks while I go start on dinner?"

Fred nods, sitting up slowly. Rollie brings him a yo-yo from the dresser, smiling at me as he walks out. 

Kid Ritz sits beside me on the bed, watching as Fred attempts to show us his tricks.

Fred: "Ok... so... watch this."

He does a trick surprisingly well for how drunk he is, getting me and Kid Ritz to clap for him.

Kid Ritz: "Good job, bud."

Ven: "Yeah! You're so talented!"

Fred smiles, holding the yo-yo in his hand limply as his eyes close. He leans forward, Kid Ritz putting his hand on his chest to keep him upright.

Fred: "Dude... I'm like... really drunk."

Kid Ritz: "I know, bud."

Fred looks at Kid Ritz, a tear falling down his cheek, yet he doesn't seem to know he's crying.

Kid Ritz: "Are you feeling sad?"

Fred nods, closing his eyes for a while.

My heart breaks, the sight of him so wasted destroying me internally. If I'm feeling this way, I can only imagine how hard this is on Kid Ritz.

Kid Ritz: "Why don't you lay down, dude? Ven and I will stay with you while you rest, ok?"

Fred nods, climbing back onto his pillow mountain. He looks ahead for a minute, his eyes slowly slamming shut.

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