Escaping The Rage Dome

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Velvet POV:

I hear the door handle on the other side of the door rattle, like someone is desperately trying to get out. I stand quickly, trying again to no avail to get the door open. I can't hear anything behind the door, which worries me greatly.

In a rash decision, I place the sword under the lock, putting all of my weight on it to break it open. I give one good thrust onto the metal, breaking the lock off. I wrench the door open, hurrying into the tunnel.

I can't hear or see anyone; I should check the office first. I hurry along the wall, feeling for the handle to the office. Eventually I find it, opening it to hear sniffling inside.

Velv: "Whoever's in here, are you ok?"

I hear a gasp but no voice. Ok, so there's definitely someone in here, but why aren't they talking?

Velv: "I'm sure you're scared; I heard someone trying to open the tunnel door to get out. I'm going to assume that it was you. The door was locked, but I managed to break it open. I promise I won't hurt you."

The Rageon, who I assume is hiding under the desk, says nothing, further proving to me that they don't trust me.

Velv: "Ok, well, I'm going to check the rest of the tunnel, alright?"

Midori: "Wait!"

I hear Midori's voice and watch as she comes out from underneath the desk. She looks up at me with wide eyes, glitter drenched across her face and T-shirt.

Velv: "Midori, why are you crying?"

She says nothing, moving past me to close the door before pulling me to crouch alongside her. She starts crying again, pulling me into a hug. I don't like physical contact, especially if I'm not expecting it, but I can make an exception for an obviously upset Midori.

Velv: "Please talk to me, Midori. I want to help you."

I look around, realizing Carlos isn't in here."

Velv: "Midori, where's Carlos?"

She starts crying harder, shaking in my arms.

Midori: "He left me in here to protect me. He ran down the tunnel, and I don't know where he went. I think he may have ended up like Orchid."

She sobs into my shoulder, sounding distraught.

Velv: "Oh, Midori, I'm so sorry. I saw you guys on camera from a monitor room I found, so that is how I knew where to find you guys. I need to go after Carlos. I want to try to save him if I can."

Midori: "I haven't heard anything. I think he got frozen. Something chased us out of the room at the end of the tunnel, and I think it got him."

Velv: "I came down here earlier, and that room smelled so gross. I can't imagine if Carlos found something in there, that it was good. Midori, I think I should go look for him. You guys are only in this mess because of me. I thought Veneer was here, but I guess not."

Midori: "Veneer is at your apartment. Carlos and I found him on the street, bitten, and walking alone. He was obscenely high and confused. We brought him to Carlos's restaurant, fed and cleaned him up, then took him to your apartment downtown. Kid Ritz actually came looking for him, and he's now at Kid Ritz's friend Rollie's apartment."

My heart beats loudly in my ears.

Velv: "So he's safe? Oh wow, that's incredible for me to hear. We got separated as I went on a supply run to a store a few blocks away. I assumed he got picked up by someone or was attacked by a monster. I was so scared and searched everywhere before coming here. I can't thank you enough for taking care of him."

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