Passing Prisoners

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Midori POV:

The old wall feels crumbly beneath my fingers, worn away and chalky. Looking down doesn't scare me as much as I assumed it would; it's pretty dark, yet I can still make out where my foot needs to go. 

With the last bit of my fingers hanging on, I get the tip of my toe to touch the window sill. Gripping the little crevices of the wall, I lower my weight onto my foot. I get my other foot in between the bars, taking a breath of relief that I got this far. 

Now, all I've got to do is hope that whoever was crying is still in his cell, or that a guard isn't in there.

Midori: "Hello?"

I wait a few seconds, yet am unsure if I hear anything over the storm.

Midori: "Hello?!"

I call out louder, my hair whipping in the wind making me nervous as it threatens to push me off.

Voice: "Hello? Who are you? How are you out there?"

I hear a voice respond to me, my heart picking up excitedly.

Midori: "I'm Midori! I live in the cell above yours! Do the bars of your window come off?"

Voice: "I've never tried. Let me see."

I listen to the guy grunt and strain, miraculously hearing the bars shift from the grating. I wait patiently, yet grow colder the longer I'm out here.

Voice: "Eso! I got them out!"

Midori: "Amazing! Can I come in?"

Voice: "Yes, let me help you."

I feel my ankles be gently grabbed, guiding me where to put my feet. I struggle not to fall backward as I do a one-legged squat to ease my way through the window. 

My foot slips, sending me headfirst into the cell. Before I hit the ground, strong hands catch me, holding me tight against his chest. 

Voice: "Cuidado! Are you alright?"

Midori: "Wow! Sorry, um, yeah! I'm ok, thanks to you!"

The boy smiles at me, letting me walk out of his grasp. 

Carlos: "Hello, I am Carlos. You said Midori?"

Midori: "Yes! I'm so happy to meet you. I was stuck up there trying to figure out how to get down here. Wait... are you crying?"

I stop rambling, seeing Carlos's face covered in glittery tears.

Carlos: "I had been, yes."

Midori: "Why?!"

Carlos sighs, and sits on his bed before patting the side next to him. I sit down quickly, worried now that I've connected the dots to Carlos being the boy we heard screaming.

Carlos: "Some bad men came here and choked my cellmate. Now, I am all alone."

Midori: "Oh, Carlos! That's awful!"

Carlos: "He is in danger, and I can do nothing to save him."

Midori: "I believe it. I have only one other girl who lives on my floor; you may know her. Her name is Velvet; she's a-"

Carlos: "Veneer's sister?"

My mouth falls open in shock; how did he know about Veneer?

Midori: "Yeah! Are you fans of them?"

Carlos goes on to tell me the entire experience he's had between having Veneer in his restaurant, discussing escape plans with Veneer, and watching Veneer be choked out and taken away.

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