Sesame Noodles

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Kid Ritz POV:

I enter the shower, my back muscles screaming from cleaning.

I try bathing, yet I feel super anxious. I feel... mad. I'm not happy. At all.

I wash until I can't anymore, the stress of being in the bathroom alone proving to be too much for me.

I turn off the water, watching as it slows to a stop.

*drip* *drip* *drip*

I hear the water drip... yet it's not from the shower. I turn my head, seeing someone standing next to me outside the shower curtain.

I feel incredibly mad. How come I'm getting delusions? I don't understand it. I stare at the outline of the Rageon, debating mentally on whether I should face it head-on.

Fuck it.

I open the shower curtain, walking out like there's nothing there. The shadow fades as the curtain opens, giving me no reason to dwell on it.

I get changed and brush my teeth without thinking of the shadow. As I rinse my toothbrush, I feel my mood swing... feeling super happy for no reason.

Why should I be scared over something I can't see? Who cares at this point? Something wrong will happen anyway; I might as well not be scared.

I start laughing, bursting out into a fit of giggles. This is just so stupid—all of it, so incredibly dumb.

Veneer POV:

I finish adding the sesame noodles to the pot, straining my ears as I hear... laughing?

I close the pot lid, setting a timer on the stove before leaving the kitchen. I walk towards the laughing, making it out to be Kid Ritz.

I get to the bedroom, hearing him nearly cackling; he's laughing so hard. I go to put my hand on the door handle before remembering it's broken.

I can see him standing at the sink, chuckling through the open, splintered wood.

Behind him... is someone else.

I stare for a long time, blinking and rubbing my eyes to see if I'm seeing things correctly. Why is Kid Ritz still laughing?

Who is that behind him?

I push the door open, watching as Kid Ritz doesn't look up from his head hanging low, just continuing to giggle. I don't think he can hear me or knows I'm standing here.

As the door opened, the figure faded. I stare at my boyfriend as he laughs, looking like he may be having some sort of a breakdown.

Finally, he calms down, splashing water on his face. When he goes to get a towel, he notices me standing, watching.

He breaks down into laughter again, this time laughing so hard he leans onto the vanity. Nothing should be this funny for this long; something is wrong. Seriously wrong.

Ven: "Ritz... what's so funny?"

He shakes his head, wiping small black tears away.

Kid Ritz: "I... don't know. My emotions... are jumbled. I was super fucking anxious and mad in the shower. Then I saw some dumb shadow, and of course, it disappeared when I left the shower. I... can't regulate my emotions well. It's like everything is at the extreme, and I can't filter what is and isn't a regular feel of emotion."

I stare at him as I approach him, not jumping to touch him. I just put my hand down next to his, waiting for him to be ready.

He looks down at my hand, sliding his fingers over mine slowly. He sighs, upset, sounding like he may be about to cry.

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