Personnel Door

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Rollie POV:

Rollie: "Hey! Are you... normal?"

Boy: "I think so... are you?"

Rollie: "I am! It's so good to see someone still moving."

Boy: "I know, I was getting really freaked out here alone. Then everyone moved, and it made me freak out more."

The tall boy takes a deep breath. I can make out his features enough in the light of my flashlight... and he's pretty. Okay, Rollie. Get a grip.

Rollie: "I watched it happen on the cameras. I found what I think is the monitor room that was supposed to be used for the concert. You should return with me; my Gloria is waiting for me."

Boy: "Sure, as long as you lead the way."

Rollie: "Let's go; I have my phone flashlight to see."

I lead back the way I came, the two of us not talking until we get back into the sound booth. Gloria looks relieved once she sees me, as well as interested in Jewels.

Rollie: "Welcome to where we've been hiding. Say, I didn't tell you what my name is. I'm Rollie Roy, and this is Gloria."

Fred: "I'm Fred, owner of Frazzled Fred's Fun! This is Jewels, Velvet and Veneer's pet monkey."

Rollie: "I noticed you have Jewels. I'm very good friends with the twins, so I was curious why she's with you."

Fred: "I'm great friends with them too! I'm even in a band with Ven! But yeah, honestly, I'm not sure how, but I found Jewels jumping around the arena. It seems she got loose from wherever Crimp, the twin's assistant, was watching her."

Rollie: "Well, I'm glad she's safe with you. I know the twins would be heartbroken if something happened to her."

I reach over, petting Jewels as she gives a soft squeak. Fred sighs, looking worn out.

Fred: "Jewels and I hid in the bathroom from the crowds, but we then got locked in when a food cart was pushed in front of the door. While locked in, my phone ran out of battery from watching the show online, and the lights had gone out."

Rollie: "That must have been very scary. I'm sorry."

He nods as he pushes his fiery red hair away from his eyes. He looks at the monitors, his green eyes scanning the sea of darkness.

Rollie: "This, actually, is where I saw you moving. It's how I knew to go looking for you. Earlier, after I watched freeze, I saw a door open here, but no one came out. In the time I left to find you, someone could have left, but I'm not a hundred percent sure."

Fred: "That's trippy, dude. I was looking for my friends Orchid and Kid Ritz, but I haven't found them."

Rollie: "I know Kid Ritz. It's funny how we know the same Rageons, but we've never met."

Fred smiles as he looks back at me.

Fred: "Kid Ritz is my childhood best friend. Him, Orchid, Ven, they're all my closest friends. I've heard of you, but I never imagined meeting you. You're so good on the radio, so I feel pretty stoked to get to meet you."

He doesn't come off as someone who'd regularly listen to my type of music, but, even if he's not a fan, it's nice to hear him talk about meeting me. He seems so genuine in the words he says, and that's pretty rare for me to hear outside meeting fans who are already excited to see me.

Rollie: "Well, maybe after things get sorted out, we can become... friends. I'd... quite like to. You seem very nice."

Fred smiles wider at my suggestion.

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