Resting Spots

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Veneer POV:

After I finish my food, Midori wipes my mouth for me as Carlos cleans up the dishes. Midori helps me into the car as Carlos cleans and shuts down the restaurant, working fast to get me home sooner.

Midori sits me in the front seat, taking her seat in the middle of the backseat before Carlos eventually gets to the car.

Carlos: "Ok, so where should I go?"

Ven: "Drive to... downtown. We'll get to... my apartment from there."

Carlos nods, driving off. The car is silent, making me slightly uncomfortable, yet I can't bring myself to waste energy by talking.

Carlos drives fast, yet in a much more controlled way than I had been driving previously. My head and heart ache badly for Velvet, and I'm worried sick over where she could be. What if that monster inside the apartment got her? I know the monster wasn't her; it previously was a dude, but still, I'm scared she's been converted.

My heart pounds loudly as we reach downtown, and my ability to give directions is suppressed heavily in my mouth. Luckily, I choke out enough words that make sense to Carlos, who maneuvers through the correct streets.

As I watch as Carlos turns onto the street of my apartment; my body washes over with relief, and with hope my sister is home. Carlos parks on the road, him and Midori helping me out of the car and up into the building. They look around the elevator, admiring the gold interior.

We reach the hallway, my legs shaking due to how weak I feel. We get to the front door, where I put in the key and turn the handle.

My fears of scary black blood everywhere are squashed as I take a scan of the first floor and see that the apartment looks normal. I sigh a sigh of relief, walking inside gratefully. As much as Carlos and Midori helped me, I literally wouldn't be here without them; I need to get into bed ASAP before I pass out again.

Ven: "Feel free... to stay. I'm going to bed."

I hurry upstairs to the best of my abilities. I reach my room, walking inside slowly. No one is here, which is sad yet incredibly relieving.

I change into a shirt and shorts, climbing into bed before passing out. Finally, even if it's not a sure or safe location, I can rest in my own bed.

Midori POV:

Veneer hurries upstairs, closing himself in his room. Carlos and I are left alone in the living room, feeling a bit put off by sitting in the home of a celebrity I've met, fed, and helped clean all for the first time today. 

We take the liberty to look around the first floor, impressed greatly by the decor. Carlos flicks on the kitchen light, looking at me curiously. 

Carlos: "What do you want to do now?"

Midori: "I don't want to leave him here alone. It's clear no one else is around, not even Velvet. I'm sure he'd freak if we left."

Carlos nods, sitting on the couch. I sit beside him, slipping off my prison shoes before curling up. My body aches and hurts from swimming for the first time, yet it also reminds me to be proud of accomplishing such a feat.

I don't notice Carlos catching me yawning as I'm too busy rubbing my tired eyes.

Carlos: "Sleep. I'll keep watch."

Midori: "Are you sure?"

He nods, giving me a small smile as he turns on the TV. I sigh, closing my eyes as I sink further into the comfy couch. I feel safe with Carlos, so I feel safe to fall asleep. I'm lucky to have him watch after me; it proves how good of a friend he is, even after only knowing me for a few short hours.

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