Hearing Colors

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Fred POV:


The lock flies off the door, swinging it open to reveal the cool night air. Surprisingly, the sky is blood red—not the usual color.

Fred: "Shit... that can't be good. Roman, how did you get here?"

Roman: "By my car. I can take either Rollie or Kid Ritz with me."

Fred: "Here, take Kid Ritz. I'm pretty sure he's only gone deaf. I need to get Rollie to a hospital. Here's the road my store is on."

I run to my truck, pulling a crumpled business card from the backseat. Roman and I gently place Rollie into the front seat, my heart breaking as I see how much pain he's in.

Roman: "All right. I'll get to your store, then what?"

Fred: "Here's the key. Get Kid Ritz inside, and don't open the door for anyone, okay? I know where the extra key is hidden, and I'll get Rollie inside once we're done. There are beers in the fridge, but not much else."

Roman: "Ok... stay safe."

Fred: "I will. Thank you, dude. We'll see you soon."

Roman and I give each other a brisk hug, our eyes meeting with a joined sense of urgency and responsibility for our friends. Taking one last look at Kid Ritz and Roman, I climb into my truck, tearing away from the Rage Dome.

Rollie groans quietly next to me, clutching his arm while keeping his eyes shut. 

Fred: "Rollie... I'm... I'm so sorry. That bullet was meant for... I'm sorry."

He shakes his head, meeting my eyes tiredly.

Rollie: "It's... it's ok."

Fred: "Shit... it's really not, Rollie."

Rollie looks down, resting his hand on mine that's on the stick shift.

Rollie: "Really... it'll be ok."

I look at him quickly, then back at the road. My heart beats fast in my chest. Why am I so... excited? I just shot the kid; now I'm getting butterflies in my stomach?

Rollie coughs, his hand leaving mine as it flies to his chest. He coughs hard, spitting up black blood.

Fred: "Oh fuck! Shit, I have water back here."

I reach behind me, pulling a water bottle for the coughing boy beside me.

Rollie takes it, sipping it gingerly.

Rollie: "That... is quite possibly the grossest thing I've ever done."

Fred: "Does your chest hurt?"

Rollie nods, looking paler by the minute. We drive silently, my frustration growing as we hit every red light possible. I'd drive us off the sides of the roads, but I don't think Rollie's body can handle that repeated impact.

I twirl my hair with my fingers exasperatedly, my road rage building internally.

Rollie: "Fred?"

His quiet voice stops my anger in its tracks, making me look at him.

Fred: "Yeah?"

Rollie: "Did... did you see how Roman looked?"

My heart pounds as he asks the question. It had immediately sprung into my mind once the lights turned on, but I didn't give myself time to think or question the Siren Rageon on it.

Fred: "I... I did."

Rollie: "What happened to him?'

The image of Roman burns into my mind. His eyes were completely black where they should be white, and his skin was colorless, incredibly white. What was scariest was that you could see black, thin veins lining the entirety of his skin. 

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