Laundry Room Detainment

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Kid Ritz POV:

I reach Fred's bedroom first to see Midori being lunged at by Carlos.

Kid Ritz: "Midori! Get behind me!"

Midori: "Why won't he listen!"

Fred grabs her waist, pulling her out of the way as Carlos attempts to bite her. I scan the room, seeing Fred's gun set on the nightstand furthest from us and behind Carlos. I hear Midori's cries be muffled in another room, Fred returning to my side.

Fred: "Dude, he looks like the doctor."

I stare at Carlos's eyes, seeing they're entirely black.

Kid Ritz: "We have two choices. Somehow tie him down, or use your gun."

Fred gives me a panicked look, searching the room for something we can use. Rollie pushes past him, holding the rope previously holding his curtains together.

Rollie: "I don't want to shoot him! We can tie him up with this!"

Fred: "How will we get him down?"

I look at Carlos, waiting until he lunges forward to stick my leg out. He trips over me, falling to the floor hard. The three of us tackle Carlos, Fred and I holding his head and shoulders down while Rollie ties his legs.

Rollie: "VELVET!"

I strain against pushing Carlos against the ground. He's incredibly strong and resistant against me. Velvet runs in, Rollie immediately putting her to work.

Rollie: "Sit on his legs so he can't crawl away. I need more rope for his hands."

Velvet does what she's told, joining us in our collective attempt at using our body weight to hold Carlos down. Rollie runs back in, tying Carlos's hands tightly.


Kid Ritz: "YA, CARLOS! CÁLMATE! Escúchame, porfis!"

I yell right back at him, freaked out by his double voice. He groans as Rollie finishes, the four of us looking around stressed.

Rollie: "We can put him in the laundry room. It's the only room that needs a key to lock."

Fred and I nod, getting off of Carlos and hoisting him up. He tries everything he can to bite us, yet we successfully shove him into the laundry room, with Rollie and Velvet opening the doors for us. Rollie locks the door, the four of us breathing heavily as we hear him thrash around on the floor inside.

Fred: "Good job... guys. We worked well."

Kid Ritz: "As a team."

Fred: "Yeah, as a team."

We smile at each other until Carlos growls and Midori whimpers from my room.

Velv: "I left her with Veneer; he's probably trying to console her."

Rollie: "We can go tell her what happened."

Rollie and Velvet go to my room, leaving me alone with Fred outside in the hall.

Fred: "I think we should have someone on watch. I can do it first; I just need a beer. If you stay here, I can get one and be right back."

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