Gone Alone

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Kid Ritz POV:

I notice about an hour in that Ven falls asleep; poor kid's exhausted, yet he did what he could to hold out for me. I stay awake, imagining anything interesting to keep my brain occupied.

I picture my favorite skating movie, the one Ven sat through and watched with me. I picture skateboarding at the park with Orchid and Fred, then the time we practice our routine for Ven for our band. I miss how excited we all were, knowing we were going to be a group and how cool it was going to be for us to have our launch party.

Maybe, once this is all over, and when we've got Orchid back, we can have our launch party. I sigh sadly, listening to the groans from my friend on the other side of the door.

I almost fall asleep until an idea hits me. I gently shake Ven awake, feeling bad for waking him yet excited over my idea.

Ven: "Did I fall asleep? I'm sorry, I-"

Kid Ritz: "No, no, don't be sorry. I wasn't going to wake you, but I got an idea."

Ven: "Ok, what's up?"

Kid Ritz: "What if you tried using your Siren powers on Carlos."

Ven sits up, rubbing his eyes more while he talks.

Ven: "I can try."

Kid Ritz: "I know it was hard for you to think about healing your leg, even. I don't want to push you."

Ven: "Well, if I'm going to be a Siren rageon, then I want to use my powers for any good I can."

I nod, proud of my boyfriend for being so compassionate.

Ven: "Do you think I should heal my leg first?"

Kid Ritz: "Definitely worth a try."

Ven nods, pulling his ring pop out as he closes his eyes. It feels unnatural to watch him use, but I'm glad he's not hiding it anymore.

I watch as Veneer goes stiff, his brows furrowing. His face twists like he's in pain, his hands gripping onto the sides of the chair. I watch worriedly until his hands fly to his nose again, shaking more violently than usual.

Kid Ritz: "Ven? Are you ok?"

He doesn't say anything, pulling the ring pop out slowly with a trembling hand.

Ven: "You didn't hear it?"

Kid Ritz: "Hear what, sweetie? Carlos?"

He shakes his head slowly, opening his eyes to show me their bright, white glow against the dark wall of the hallway.

Ven: "I... I heard... my nose crack, and I got scared."

He takes a deep breath, using his ring pop more, most likely as an attempt to calm down.

Kid Ritz: "Oh, Ven, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you'd hurt yourself."

Ven: "Well, I don't think it was real. My nose doesn't hurt, and honestly, neither does my leg."

He takes a few deep breaths, putting his ring pop back in his pocket.

Ven: "Think I should try standing?"

Kid Ritz: "Only do what's best for you."

Ven nods, standing up slowly. He walks the length of the hallway, returning to me with wide eyes.

Ven: "It doesn't hurt!"

Kid Ritz: "You healed yourself?"

Ven: "I think so! Or at least subdued the pain, but I can walk!"

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