Time To Dish

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Veneer POV:

Velvet and Midori hurry out of the elevator, dragging Carlos's limp body.

Kid Ritz: "Carlos!"

He sits me down gently, running over with Fred to pick up Carlos. 

Kid Ritz: "What happened?"

Velv: "He was attacked at the Rage Dome by some monster!"

Fred: "What were you doing at the Rage Dome?"

Velv: "I thought Veneer was there."

My heart sinks as the boys carry Carlos to the conversation pit, laying him down. 

Fred: "Dude, he's got a gnarly bite."

Rollie: "I can clean it."

He hurries to his bedroom as Kid Ritz and Fred prop pillows to help Carlos sit upright.

I want to get up and help, yet my leg hurts so bad I can't move. I hear a door open, and Kid Ritz's mom walks out with Jewels in her arms.

Kid Ritz: "Ven! Don't let her see this!"

Ven: "Uh, ok."

I painfully pull myself to stand, limping toward Kid Ritz's mom in the hallway. 

Ven: "Hello, ma'am! I'm so happy to see you!"

Kid Ritz's mom's face lights up as she sees me, pulling me in for a hug. 

Ven: "You know, we just about finished dinner. Would you mind helping me set the table?"

She nods, holding onto my arm as we move to the kitchen. We both move slowly, hopefully giving the gang enough time to help Carlos, out of her line of sight. Kid Ritz's mom and I plate the pasta dishes before slowly bringing them to the table. 

We work incredibly slowly, yet his mom doesn't seem to notice. As I set the cutlery, I watch Kid Ritz and Fred carry Carlos to Fred's room, Rollie trailing behind. I spy a white bandage covering the bite as he's carried away. 

The girls walk into the dining room, looking worse for wear. Velvet hurries over to me, hugging me tightly. I hug back even tighter, trying not to cry. 

Velv: "I'm so sorry, Veneer."

Ven: "I'm so sorry, Velvet."

We pull away, tears in our eyes, as Kid Ritz's mom exits the kitchen with Jewels bouncing after her. Jewels hops over to Velv and me, squeaking happily.

Ven: "Oh, my silly monkey. I haven't had time to say hi to you."

I try to bend down, but the pain in my leg is so bad I have to sit back down in my chair. Velv eyes me worriedly, picking up Jewels and giving her a gentle kiss on the head. She walks over, holding Jewels out to me.

We hug our monkey, our small family somewhat reunited. Midori watches us tiredly, looking like she's cried a ton.

Ven: "Midori?"

Midori: "Yeah?"

Ven: "Want to say hi to Jewels?"

Her eyes light up, the energy immediately returning as she beelines for Jewels. She bends down in front of the monkey, looking into her big eyes.

Jewels: "OO"

Midori squeals happily, petting Jewels on the head excitedly.

Midori: "She's adorable!"

Velv: "I know. She's our baby."

We smile at each other as a door closes, the boys walking out to us somberly.

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