Wigged Out Worms

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Fred POV:

Shit, why isn't anyone coming? I sit Rollie on a chair in the lobby, feeling beyond annoyed we can't find anyone to help us.

Fred: "Stay here; I'm going to look around."

Rollie: "I'm coming with you-"

He stops, coughing violently into his arm. I kneel to his level, waiting to speak until his coughing fit is done.

Fred: "Hey, I would love for you to accompany me. I don't want you to exert more than you must, alright? I will just poke around. Don't worry, I won't take long."

He meets my eyes, his own looking dark and tired. I reach my hand over, wiping the sweat off of his forehead. He closes his eyes, leaning into the touch.

Fred: "See you soon. Hang tight, ok?"

Rollie nods, the feeling of his eyes staring after me giving me the courage I need to search the hospital alone.

I leave the lobby, wandering aimlessly for a doctor, a nurse, hell, even another patient at this point. There's virtually no one, until I hear a noise from the last room a hall over. It's not a good sound, as it's the noise of two voices speaking simultaneously.

Johnny and Brandon could not be here, so it has to be someone else who's been... infected? I'm not sure, but I keep my footsteps silent as I approach the room. I peek in, stopping just before the door, and see a mostly dark room.

However, I can see someone, or something, thrashing around in a white coat. They turn around, spotting me. Letting out a big cry, the dash toward the door.

I grab the handle, slamming it shut as the Rageon inside hits the door. They pound and smack their hands on the window's glass, giving me a full view of the monstrosity before me.

Their eyes are entirely black, and their exposed skin is covered in black veins. Their mouth snarls at me, covered in black spit, much like the color of the blood Rollie's been spitting up. 

Fuck, this is almost exactly how Roman looks... and I left him alone with Kid Ritz!

Biting my lip, I dash from the door, sprinting down the hallway as the Infected Rageon tears after me. They snarl and growl with their horrific two voices, laughing maniacally as I run basically for my life. 

I run back to the lobby, seeing Rollie passed out on the chair. He picks his head up as I kick open the doors. I waste no time picking him up, running us out of the hospital. 

I practically throw him into the truck, climbing in through the window before speeding off. The infected Rageon stops chasing after us at the hospital entrance, grinning widely before stalking back inside. 

The once-white lab coat is covered in splatters of black and red, glittery blood... I'm assuming which isn't theirs. I speed away, breathing heavily from the sheer fear I felt in the hospital.

Rollie: "Who... was that."

Fred: "I... think that was a doctor. He looked like... he was... never mind."

Rollie: "What?"

I don't want to tell him I thought I saw the doctor eating someone; it's too gruesome of an image to tell.

Fred: "He just... looked like he was infected or had the same symptoms as Roman."

Rollie: "This doctor was aggressive. Roman isn't like that."

Yet... stop, Fred. You can't think like that.

Rollie begins another coughing fit, his hand gripping his now-stained shirt so tight it looks like it hurts him greatly.

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