Fleeting Senses

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Fred POV:

I hurry Kid Ritz along, the anxiety of the gravity of our situation kicking in as I realize how badly injured Kid Ritz really is. He begins limping so badly that it forces me to realize he can't go on like this. 

Fred: "Get on my back?"

Kid Ritz: "What?"

I sigh, frustrated, as I realize Kid Ritz can't see or hear now. I squat, pulling his pant leg close to me so he gets the idea of what I'm suggesting.

Kid Ritz: "Oh, ok!"

He gets on my shoulders, holding his arms around my neck tight. I walk back to the monitor room, my heart breaking in half as I see from the stadium chairs that the door is open, and the light of the monitors shows both bodies on the ground are gone.

I slow our pace as I go down the chairs, concerned out of my mind for Rollie and the two bodies. At least Kid Ritz can see what I'm seeing, voiding the need for him to use his voice. There's no place I can put Kid Ritz where he'll be safe. Rollie either got frozen or chased out of the monitor room by Brandon or, worse, by Roman.

If these bodies are coming back from the dead in the same manner as Johnny did, we're fucked. Even more so, Kid Ritz. I turn, walking away from the monitor room. I walk us to the stairwell, deciding where I need to leave Kid Ritz.

I walk us behind the bottom of the staircase, gently placing him in the dark corner of the back of the stairwell. As I can see, there are tons of dead bugs and dust back here. I can also see how dirty it is, but it's the best hiding spot I've got, so Ritz will have to make do. 

Fred: "I need to leave you here."

Kid Ritz: "Leave me here? Why!"

I hold my hand over his mouth, shushing him. Leaning into his good ear, I speak as loud as I dare to go.

Fred: "You are too injured to go anywhere else. Stay here until I find a way out of here."

Kid Ritz: "I'm scared to be alone!"

Fred: "You'll die if you come with me. Think of Veneer, ok?"

Kid Ritz says nothing, but it's too dark for me to tell what his face is showing.

Fred: "Give me a hug."

I feel his hands feel for me. I drop to my knees so we can hug properly, my heart breaking as he embraces me tightly.

Fred: "I'm sorry, Ritz. I do trust you. And... I love you, dude. Please... forgive me for how wrong I've been... and... for... how I've hurt you."

Kid Ritz stays silent, a chest heave alerting me to his crying. 

My heart is crushed to know he's crying, but I don't think there's anything more to do. I move away from him and out of the stairwell.

He's the safest I can get him, and we'll have time to really talk things through once we're out of here.  I hurry along the wall, hearing how loud my footsteps are. As I try to quiet them, I hear the two groan. Shit! 

I move quietly toward the voice, hearing thumps against the door that I'm pretty sure is the closet Rollie and I hid in. 

He must be in there if the monster is trying to get inside! I need to distract it. 

Fred: "Hey! Over here!"

I yell to the monster, running fast the way I came. I run until I find the stairwell, flying up it to the next floor. 

I run until I feel the handle for a door, and run inside. I panic quietly once I see it's a bathroom, nervous from the last time I was in one. I keep my voice silent as I hear thrashing outside the door, and I get very nervous as the sounds grow louder and more abrasive.

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