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Veneer POV:

I lay on the bed for a few minutes, realizing how bad the pain in my lip is now that the adrenaline is wearing off. 

I poke around the basement, finding a spotted old mirror. Apart from the blood and monster matter, I can see a big gash where I cut my lip open. It hurts and is swollen, making my bottom lip look like I got lip filler.

Ugh, that's so annoying to see. I focus on myself, attempting to heal the gash. I breathe deeply, feeling my lip burn. It hurts bad, but it isn't the worst pain I've felt compared to the nose breaks. It heals quickly, taking only a minute or two. 

I watch as my lip finishes healing, the swelling going down as I move my lip around. Wow, I'm healed! Seems like I'm getting better at it. Maybe that's what Roman meant when he said he'd help me hone in on my powers.

I use the mirror to see if there are any other injuries, and to my relief, I don't find anything. I should head back to the apartment. I grab my new knife, put the mirror on the bed, and climb out of the window.

As I get outside, I hear someone arguing. I look forward, watching as two random Rageons fight each other at gunpoint. They seem to be arguing over a box of ammunition. I watch quietly, not wanting to get in the middle of it.

As they argue, I hear something jump, hitting the floor loudly. It happens in a flash; one of the Rageons getting jumped on from a monster leaping from seemingly nowhere behind a building. As he screams, the other Rageon shoots at the monster.

The monster is hit, but not before biting down hard on the neck of the first Rageon. I sprint as fast as I can, shooting at the monster along with the second Rageon. Another growl sounds to the right of me, causing me to shoot blindly as another monster lunges for me. 

Gunshots ring out like crazy as me and the second Rageon attempt to shoot the monsters. I jump to the side, narrowly missing my monster attempting to scratch me. As I fall to the floor, I see the second Rageon run away, his monster hurdling after him. 

What makes killing them in motion so hard is how distorted their bodies are. Each limb is stretched and elongated, making aiming at their skinny, gangling parts hard. I kick at the monster as it grabs my leg, beginning to panic. 

I used three bullets trying to get this thing, meaning I only have two left.

I aim at the monster's head, trying to get a good shot as it snakes and coils away from me, a sick smile with slimy black teeth grinning horribly at me.


I shoot, hitting the side of its head. The monster screams, yet its grip tightens as it makes a final lunge. I thrust the gun with two hands over my forehead, shooting straight up as the monster slams its head on top of mine.


The gun fires, the monster's head exploding on top of me. 

I lay on the floor, my hands violently shaking on my forehead, the now empty gun rattling. I gasp for air, feeling as the monster's brain, black worm remnants, and chunks of the monster's body and blood fall and dry around me. 

I lay on the floor for a while, eventually finding it in myself to sit up. I look around, seeing the box of ammunition on the floor. All of this over that box... and neither party got it. I walk over, finding the first Rageon lying face down, black blood pooling from his neck.

I open the box, seeing there are only three cartridges inside. I put one cartridge in my gun, loading it before taking a look at the Rageon at my feet.

I should probably shoot him so he doesn't turn and mutate... but...

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