Yellow Tile Terror

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Velvet POV:

Midori: "So, what do we know about the prison?"

Velv: "Well, we know that we could potentially be the only girls here, maybe even the only inmates. We have only seen the two security guards in charge of us, and we know they have tasers as weapons."

Midori: "We have a schedule of breakfast, showers, and whatever else if they have something else in a routine for inmates. Assuming there isn't, we have the rest of the day to ourselves until the next morning."

We stay quiet, thinking over anything else we could have missed.

Velv: "I think that's all we've got, which isn't much, if I'm honest."

Midori: "Hmm."

I watch Midori look around, her eyes landing on the window behind me.

Midori: "How sturdy are the bars on your window?"

I walk to my window, rattling the bars, yet they don't budge.

Velv: "Mine are stuck."

I hear Midori gasp, followed by a crumbling noise.

I race to the bars separating me from the hallway, holding them tightly as I watch Midori shift a bar.

Velv: "Can you get it all of the way out?"

Midori puts her foot on the wall, pulling with all of her might until-


The bar pops out the window, sending Midori flying to the floor. She looks back at me, smiling as she holds the bar in the air.

Velv: "Good job! Can you get any more of them out?"

Midori stands, putting the bar on her bed before attempting the others. Just as she starts pulling, I hear the door slam at the end of the hallway. Midori's eyes widen as she runs to her bed, grabs the bar, and shoves it back into the window.

She gets it in just as the guards reach our cells. I stand awkwardly, trying not to look suspicious. Midori smiles at her guard, to which she responds by handcuffing her. Once I'm handcuffed, we're led down the hall and to a courtyard.

It's mid-afternoon, the air hot and breezy. The guards uncuff us, letting us roam the courtyard. It is not my speed to walk outside, let alone in a dingy courtyard, but I have nothing else to do.

I sit at a picnic-style table, watching Midori sit across from me. I pick at my nails, wondering if we should discuss what we just discovered.

Midori: "Are you feeling better over... what we know?"

She speaks quietly, her voice only loud enough for me to hear, hopefully.

Velv: "I am, actually. If you can get the rest off, you can crawl out and maybe find help."

Midori: "I could get outside, but I'm not sure how high up we are, if cameras or guards are watching, and how I'd get across the lake."

Velv: "Can you swim?"

She shakes her head, worrying me as I didn't realize that would be a problem.

Velv: "Well, if it comes to it, you just hold your breath and kick your feet. You can float in the lake when you get tired, and use your arms to push you forward."

Midori nods, looking past me to the city line.

Velv: "I know that's a lot to take in, but it could be one of the things we'll have to do to get away from here. I'm not expecting a big yacht to sail us away."

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