Our Goals

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Rollie POV:

Rollie: "I'm confident in us. We know the Rage Dome well enough to navigate it in the dark."

Kid Ritz: "We know it, but Ven's never been."

I look at Ven, seeing as his eyebrows raise. It's hard to tell when he's feeling something unless he's really expressive about it.

Ven: "That's true; I hadn't thought of that."

Rollie: "I think if we don't split up, we'll be ok."

Kid Ritz: "Maybe if we have our guns, and possibly flashlights, we'll be able to get around alright."

Rollie: "We need to map out areas in the Rage Dome, so we have a plan of where we'll go."

I get up and go to the kitchen to grab a notepad and a pen. When I return, I put the notepad on the table between Kid Ritz and me so we can map everything out.

We draw a layout of what we know of the Rage Dome's first floor and stage for the next couple of minutes, looking everything over once we're done.

We draw a layout of what we know of the Rage Dome's first floor and stage for the next couple of minutes, looking everything over once we're done

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Rollie: "Ok, so we mapped out the first floor. This is everywhere we've been and where Gloria and Cade are frozen."

Kid Ritz: "We should also draw the tunnel."

We move on to drawing the tunnel as Ven looks at the floor plan.

Kid Ritz: "The crates and clothing rack is where I've hid with Orchid when we couldn't get to a room in time

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Kid Ritz: "The crates and clothing rack is where I've hid with Orchid when we couldn't get to a room in time. It might be helpful to know the general area in case we have to hide there."

Rollie: "I can draw a reference to the stairwell and where the bridge was. I saw ,when the lights turned on, the booth I'm assuming Brandon chased Roman to before they fought and fell."


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