Rage Dome Riot

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Before the performance...

Kid Ritz POV:

I hang up the call with Ven, and focus on the cards in my hands. I go over my lines over and over until I have them down. Tonight's got to be the biggest night so far of my career, and I want to do the best I can to prove myself as a host.

I hear laughing, and look up to see the Head Manager chuckling alongside his two lower managers. As the Head Manager laughs, his face turns red. They laugh from the VIP section reserved for the "important" Rageons of Mount Rageous.

Among him in the VIP section is Rollie, RIVAL, and even the Mayor. I could go up and say hi to Rollie or RIVAL, but I don't want anything distracting me. I zone in on my cards, stressing over getting the delivery right until my phone buzzes.

It's my alarm letting me know it's time to get ready for the show to start. I hurry to the red staircase, seeing two sections of cheering fans waiting excitedly. I walk down the stairs, and tuck my cards into my pocket before adjusting the settings on my microphone.

I feel a hand on my shoulder, turning to see Justin smiling at me, his eyes covered by his security glasses.

Justin: "Good luck! I'll be watching for any trouble."

Kid Ritz: "Thanks J!"

I pass him on the stairs and take my spot at the bottom landing. I take a few deep breaths, excited and nervous for the show of a lifetime. I've worked hard to get here, especially over these past two months. 

Now that it's finally here, and I'm going to get to show off Ven and Velv, I couldn't be more excited. I admire the excitement among the fans, my own growing the more riled everyone gets. I scan for any blue-eyed Sirens, yet suspiciously don't see any. 

My in-ear cracks, and a voice on the other end lets me know it's time to start. My heart picks up as my mic turns on, and camera stars fly over me as "Watch Me Work" begins to play. I put a smile on as the fans cheer, the big moment finally here.


I watch Veneer drive a car to the front of the red carpet, he and Velvet getting out to pose and greet fans. The fans go wild with cheers and screams, crying for their favorite pop stars. As I walk along the fans, I can't help but admire just how good Ven looks.

Who knew he'd rock a mullet so well? Standing off to the side, I watch happily as they interact... until a roar rings from the stairs. A weird-looking animal and Crimp stand on the stairs. The animal lunges towards Velvet and Veneer, worry filling my heart as Veneer hides behind Velvet.

The animal opens its mouth to show a blue troll I recognize from the phone call with Veneer.

Blue Troll: "Velvet and Veneer! Give me back my brothers!"

Another pink troll pops out, the other which I recognize from the FaceTime as well.

Pink Troll: "Yeah, what he said!"

Velvet glares at the trolls while Veneer just looks confused. I must say I'm confused as well; I thought they were working together? These trolls seem pretty upset...

I look at Velvet, seeing her face change expressions in an instant. She glares at the pink troll, and Ven quickly notices her facials and does the same. I've never seen him look so... so mean. I've seen this glare from Velv... but not Ven. They're looking at the trolls like they're lesser.

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