Yo-Yo Partners

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*(Thank you all for 3k reads :O! That's incredible, I'm so happy thank you all :S)*

Rollie POV:

As Ven leaves, Fred finishes the last of his water, sighing quietly. I move my hand to his leg, massaging gently. I lean my head on his shoulder, curling my legs underneath me as he wraps an arm around my shoulders.

We sit quietly, enjoying each other's company. This is the kind of activity I've dreamed of since I was a little boy. As simple and menial as it can appear, I was surrounded by the elite, who did nothing but have countless drunken parties to blow their endless money.

Many nights would end with them drunkenly laid out on couches, holding onto each other. This is a much less dramatized version, but it's exactly what I want: to relax, not panic.

I snuggle closer, feeling happy and relaxed as Fred rubs my shoulder.

Fred: "How are you feeling?"

Rollie: "Really happy. This is just what I needed."

Fred: "Yeah? I like the quiet."

Rollie: "I like just sitting here with you."

Fred leans down, kissing my forehead. As we sit, the colder it gets. In a matter of maybe five minutes, the temperature in the room is very chilly.

Rollie: "Is it cold to you?"

Fred: "Yeah, it is. I figured I was just making it up."

Rollie: "It's been so hot since Ven's outburst, but now..."

Fred: "It's freezing."

We both tense as we look around, not trusting anything around us. I search the living area, yet nothing appears to be there. I let out a sad sigh, disappointed in myself.

Fred: "What's wrong? Did you see something?"

I shake my head, moving to sit on my knees to look at him. I sit back on my heels, looking down sadly.

Rollie: "I'm so paranoid. There's nothing here, yet I constantly feel like I'm being watched if something just as simple as the temperature changes."

Fred grabs my hands, holding them gently as he runs his finger along mine.

Fred: "I can understand that. I feel just as paranoid. I think we all do."

Rollie: "I'm sorry for getting upset. We were having such a nice time."

Fred: "Don't be sorry. Considering our circumstances, I think what you're feeling and expressing is rational. I... have something I could show you that might make you feel better."

My curiosity is piqued as he stands, leaving the conversation pit before returning with something in his hands. He gives me a small smile before opening his hand to reveal a yo-yo. I watch in amazement as he performs many hand tricks, one of which makes the yo-yo look like it's moving in slow motion.

He finishes his little show of tricks, giving me a goofy smile as he sits down. 

Rollie: "That was so cool! Where on Earth did you learn to use a yo-yo so well? I've never met another Rageon to use that."

Fred: "I haven't shown it much, but I can be pretty silly. I like weird things, which is why I'm happy running the shop. A lot of what's in there is entertaining to me. Yo-yo's are just another one of those things that are fun and hold my interest. If days are slow, which they often are, I will teach myself tricks with the things in my shop. I'd go outside and skate, but then I wouldn't have anyone to operate the register, so this is a happy medium."

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