Knockouts And Jackpots

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*( I wanted to say thank you for the love you guys have been showing on the books :0. I appreciate you all so much. It means so much to me when I see you guys follow, star, or like the book. :S)*

Velvet POV:

We walk to the dining hall silently, the excitement never leaving my body for the entirety of the "meal." Even the most definite toxic sludge I'm forcing myself to eat doesn't stop the excitement flowing through me. I was asleep and didn't hear Midori come back.

How her eyes lit up told me all I needed to know: she and Carlos must have succeeded. 

The shower goes by quickly as I've miraculously gotten used to the freezing waters. Hopefully, this may be my last freezing shower, so I'll take it for what it is.

Midori gives her infamous yelps as the cold water hits her, yet I can't help but laugh.

Midori: "It's not funny! I'm cold!"

Velv: "Aww, come on. It's got to be refreshing at some point, right?"

Midori sticks her tongue out at me, smiling as she finishes her shower. We leave the disgusting showers in high spirits, and the guards finally leave us alone once we reach our cells.

Midori: "Ok, I have so much to tell you!"

Velv: "And I'm so ready to hear it! Spill."

Midori: "Ok, Carlos and I scaled the wall, got into the courtyard, and..."

She holds up a completely sanded spoon and a worn-down second spoon.

Velv: "Wow! Glad I gave you my spoon."

Midori nods, tucking the cutlery back into her sleeve.

Midori: "Carlos and I worked all night, and we broke through. There's a sizeable hole in the wall; once we finished, we even sat on the bank for a minute."

Velv: "That's incredible! I'm so proud of you, M! I knew I could count on you!"

Midori smiles proudly at me, yet the smile falters as she looks away sadly.

Velv: "What? Why are you sad?"

Midori sighs, playing with the ends of her hair loosely.

Midori: "Well, when Carlos and I were on the bank, we saw a ship full of Rageons appearing like they were trying to leave Mount Rageous. A smaller boat set them on fire and kidnapped the Rageons. They shouted over a megaphone that no one is to leave in or out of Mount Rageous unless they get approved by Dom."

Velv: "That's horrible! Did everyone get off the boat?"

Midori: "I'm not sure; I assumed so. Carlos and I had to leave as the sun was starting to rise. Then, Carlos and I got back over the wall and reviewed today's plan."

Velv: "Ok, what do you have?"

Midori: "In the courtyard, I will pretend to be sick. While I'm distracting the guards, you will escape out of the wall and swim as fast as you can across the lake. Hopefully, you get far enough away that the guards won't catch up to you."

Velv: "But... that leaves you and Carlos behind."

Midori smiles sadly, meeting my eyes with tears welling up in hers.

Midori: "Yeah... but you don't have to worry about us. We can escape tonight once the lights are out. The tricky problem was getting you out since your bars aren't removable. Carlos and I will escape, get to the mainland, and go to his father's restaurant."

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