Finding Veneer

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Rollie POV:

I wake up in Fred's arms, our kisses from last night floating into my head. Pulling my head back, I look over the red-haired boy who's still asleep. He looks so peaceful, like he isn't bothered by all of the problems going on around us.

Fred stirs, his eyes opening slowly.

Fred: "Hey."

Rollie: "Hi."

His morning voice is deep, making my heart flutter.

He sits up, rubbing his eyes tiredly before sighing, looking at me with a look I can't quite discern.

Rollie: "What's up? You look like you're thinking hard about something."

Fred: "I'm... just worried."

My heart starts pumping fast in my chest. Oh no! What is he worried about? Was it something to do with last night? Is he upset we kissed? I know I'm a year older than him, but is that too much? Shit, what if I pushed him too far! I hope he-

Fred leans down, kissing me gently. My mind stops rambling immediately, instead focusing on his soft lips.

Fred: "I saw your mind making you anxious. It has nothing to do with you."

I let out a deep sigh as Fred puts his hand on my knee.

Rollie: "Ok, well, if you want, you can tell me what's bothering you."

Fred: "I'm scared we won't find Veneer or we'll find him in a bad situation. I... don't want Kid Ritz to endure that kind of pain."

Rollie: "Oh, Fred."

I put my hand on his covering my knee, getting him to look me in the eyes.

Rollie: "Don't put that pressure on yourself. Kid Ritz is strong, and remember what you told me last night. We have to try, and have the faith and hope that we'll make it out of this."

Fred nods, looking away from me. A tear falls down his cheek, worrying me more.

Rollie: "Freddy, you don't have to hide from me. If you're feeling upset, it's ok to cry."

Fred's face crumples as he begins crying into his shirt. My heart pounds as he cries; what do I do? I don't know how to comfort him. I've never kissed someone before last night, let alone engaged in meaningful and intimate connections. 

Ok, I have to stop overthinking this and be a good boyf- a good friend.

Rollie: "Can I go get you water? I'll just go get you water. I'll be right back!"

Fred nods, attempting to stifle his cries. Smooth, Rollie. Smooth. That's literally supposed to be the one thing I'm good at doing.

I leave my bedroom, not hearing much from my room. That's so sad that he can cry so quietly; makes you wonder how often he does it in such a supressive way. I go to the kitchen, pouring him a glass of water as Kid Ritz enters.

Kid Ritz: "Morning."

Rollie: "Hi."

He notices my tone, looking at me curiously.

Kid Ritz: "Hey, you alright?"

I rack my brain, wondering how much I should tell him.

Rollie: "Hey, yeah, I'm fine. Just... things are settling in, you know? Becoming more real."

Kid Ritz nods, grabbing himself a glass. I pour him some water, watching as he drinks it in one go. I guess none of us have taken the time to realize how dehydrated we are, or taken care of ourselves as much as we should.

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