Pen Pals

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Velvet POV:

I stare at a girl who's probably my age, a little unsure if the voice I heard was actually from her.

Girl: "OH MY GOSH YOU'RE VELVET!!! I JUST SAW YOU EARLIER IN THE SHOW! How'd you get here? Where's Veneer?"

She jumps up excitedly, her voice high and lilting.

Velv: "Well, I'm guessing you didn't see all of it as Veneer and I got locked in the yacht, then taken here

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Velv: "Well, I'm guessing you didn't see all of it as Veneer and I got locked in the yacht, then taken here. We were separated, and I don't know where he is."

I stop myself, realizing I just told my business to a stranger... who's also locked up.

Velv: "Well... you know who I am and how I got here, but what about you?"

The girl giggles, looking at me as her big eyes shine excitedly.

Midori: "I'm Midori! I got to see you in the concert up until Veneer's speech. For some reason, my head began hurting really bad, so I went to my car. I think I passed out, though I'm not sure why. I woke up handcuffed to a chair! Security dudes made me change into this jumpsuit and led me here. Then, I saw you sleeping... and now, we're talking <3!"

I look her up and down, thinking over her story. Something doesn't seem right. What did she have pass out from, and why was she arrested if she was in her car not doing anything illegal?

I look at her seriously, sizing her up suspiciously.

Velv: "I don't believe you."

I expect her to get defensive or angry, yet instead, she giggles.

Midori: "Aww, that's ok. You don't have to believe me. I don't mind."

My eyebrows furrow automatically, my face reading how weirded out I am.

Midori hums happily, walking away from the bars to sit on her bed. She plays with the ends of her hair, twirling it through her fingers as if she were playing with a doll's hair.

Ok..., it seems like I'm locked up with a crazy fan of mine who sounds and acts a lot like a little kid... great.

I sit back on my bed, a frustrated sigh leaving my lips.

Midori: "Are you sad?"

My brows furrow more, confused by her question.

Velv: "Yeah... I am. Aren't you?"

Midori: "Nope. I'm pretty happy, actually. Not everyday you meet your idol and have her to yourself."

I let her words sink in, a bit worried with how she phrased "have her to yourself."

Velv: "Oh... yeah, I guess."

I listen to her hum, very weirded out... yet also intrigued by her odd behavior. I could try talking to her more; there's not much else to do.

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