Black Silk

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Velvet POV:

Midori and I wait patiently, yet the hours until afternoon wane tiringly. Finally, the door clicks, and the security guards walk in. I contain my excitement, yet feel unbelievably nervous about what we're going to attempt to do.

They walk us outside, the guards waiting by the wall as they did yesterday. 

Velv: "Midori, play in the sand or something. I'm going to go sit by the wall and sound like I'm crying. Come over after a few minutes and "console" me."

Midori: "You're really good at getting others to believe you're doing something else."

Velv: "You got that right. How do you think I stayed popular in high school?"

Midori smirks at me as I walk to the wall. I sit angled so the guards can see a portion of my leg and back, then turn on my emotions for a performance of a lifetime.

I grab my spoon from my sleeve as I begin "sniffling" very obviously. 







I have to hold myself back from laughing as I begin to "cry," my sobs convincingly convincing, a result of years of using this honed skill to get what I want.


I sob as I scrape the wall, seeing it crumble easily. I work until Midori comes over, her loudly now comforting me as we chip away at the wall together.

Midori: "There, there, V. It's ok-"



Midori smiles at me, trying not to laugh as tears well in her eyes from holding back so hard.

Midori: "Oh... come on... noo... you don't mean that."

We go at this for a good while until the guards call us back.

Security Guard: "Alright, we've heard enough of this soap opera; get over here."

Velv: "Do I look distressed?"

Midori: "Very."

We smile at each other one last time before putting on our solemn faces and walking back to the guards. I can't tell if they bought it or not; frankly, I don't care. What matters is that we found out the wall is very destructible, and we can easily break through it tonight if Carlos and Midori get out here.

The walk back to the cells is filled with all of the hiccups and sniffles I can muster, the guards giving me the impression they're rolling their eyes at me under those pretentious sunglasses. Once they're gone, Midori and I break down laughing.

Midori: "That was amazing, V! You're in the wrong career; acting is your talent."

Velv: "Why, thank you. Who knows; if I get out of here and the world hasn't gone to crap and I still have a career, maybe acting will be next on the list. I can see it now: Velvet starring in the next Rollywood hit, alongside Midori!"

Midori laughs, then grows unnaturally quiet. I stop laughing, noticing her change in demeanor.

Velv: "What's up... are you feeling okay?"

Midori meets my eyes with a sad smile and looks away quickly. I know her better than that now, so I know she's hiding something.

Velv: "M, I know something's up. We have gotten pretty close, at least in my opinion, and you can tell me anything. You know that, right?"

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