Escaping Alcapizazz

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Midori POV:


I attempt to cough at the guard's feet, but nothing comes up. One guard grabs me by the shoulders, hoisting me away.

Girl Guard 1: "Ok, let's go."

She drags me out of the courtyard while the other guard stays. Alarm bells go off as I'm dragged to the health ward. I have to fight back a smile as the second guard bursts in through the door.

Girl Guard 2: "WHERE IS SHE?"

My guard and I look at her in confusion.

Girl Guard 1: "Where's who-"

As if on cue, I manage to make myself sick, throwing up all over the guard's shoes.

Girl Guard 1: "Damn it! Come on."

The guard drags me to a table, where I continue to throw up. She thrusts me a bucket as I throw up, starting to get concerned that I'm actually sick. Maybe I pretended a little too hard. The food here doesn't help either, or staying up all night breathing in the old, crumbly wall—ok, never mind. I see where I messed up.

As I throw up, I hear the guards converse in the hall with two new voices I haven't heard before.

Girl Guard 1: "What do you mean she's gone!"

Girl Guard 2: "She wasn't outside when I checked her spot. In her place is a gigantic hole in the wall! I'm telling you, she escaped!"

Guy Guard 2: "That's impossible! Alcapizazz is impenatrable."

Guy Guard 1: "That's why Dom kept them here in the first place."

Girl Guard 2: "Well, be my guest to go look. Velvet is gone."

I hear a gasp and a choking noise from the hallway; it's the sound of the guard most likely getting choked out.

I listen among my wretches, now having a real reason to be sick.

Girl Guard 1: "You're going to kill her!"

I hear no noise... then a thud as the guard's body presumably has hit the floor.

Guy Guard 2: "Don't touch her, unless you want the same treatment."

Guy Guard 1: "I'm going to do a sweep. If I don't find her, we'll deploy a search party. None of this gets relayed to Dom, alright? We'll surely suffer a death worse than hers.

Velvet's guard walks back in, looking furious. She comes right up to me and snatches the bucket away.

Guard: "Where is Velvet? You were the last Rageon to see her; I know you know where she is!"

Midori: "What are you *BLEH* talking about?"

I throw up at her feet, getting her to thrust the bucket back at me.

Guard: "Oh, you gross - ugh!"

She grabs me by the arm, roughly dragging me into the hallway. We pass my guard on the floor, who's pale and not moving. I'm taken to my cell, where I'm violently tossed inside.

Guard: "I hope you thought about your actions, because you are NEVER leaving this cell again!"

She laughs darkly before leaving the cellblock. I crawl onto my bed, shivering from throwing up. I lay there for a long time, so long the guard comes back for cell check. I don't acknowledge her, hoping she will leave quickly. Luckily, she does, prompting me to get up and remove the bars from my window. I crawl back onto bed, falling asleep accidentally. I'm woken up by gentle shaking, Carlos standing next to me.

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