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Fred POV:

I wake up slowly, realizing Rollie is still on my lap. I pull him a bit closer, enjoying the feeling of holding him, as I've never had that experience with someone before.

In the dim sunlight from the door streaming in, along with the combined glow of the TV, Rollie is lit up in a way that looks... very pretty.

His soft features combined with the fuzzy light makes him look incredible.

Wow, I can't believe I'm thinking about him like this... It's scary, yet also really cool. I've never been interested in someone romantically before... I don't even know if that's where we're at or where we're heading, but I like what we have going on right now.

It's very platonic... which makes it exciting.

I look over Rollie a bit more, admiring his perfect hair until Kid Ritz wakes up.

Kid Ritz: "Morning."

Fred: "Hey, you sleep ok?"

He nods, rubbing his eyes tiredly.

Kid Ritz: "I'm going to go to the bathroom. Be right back."

He leaves, giving me and Rollie a small time alone together. Rollie stirs, waking up quietly.

Fred: "Hi."

Rollie: "Hi. Did... I fall asleep?"

Fred: "Yes, but you needed to. We all did."

Rollie looks down, blushing as he realizes how intimate we're being. I get nervous, worried he'll be upset with our proximity and pull away.

Much to my surprise, he snuggles in closer, leaning his head back on my neck—he breathes out softly, the cool air lightly tickling my skin.

Rollie: "You make a great sleeping spot."

I don't know whether to be flattered or slightly offended, but I'll take it as a compliment.

Fred: "Thank you. You make a good cuddle buddy."

I feel Rollie smile; the thought of him grinning from something I said makes my heart extremely happy.

Kid Ritz returns from the bathroom, yawning as he says hello to Rollie.

Kid Ritz: "Hey Rollie, sleep ok?"

Rollie nods, sitting up a bit more.

He stands, gives me a smirk, and then leaves for the bathroom. As the door clicks shut, Kid Ritz takes the opportunity to talk one-on-one with me.

Kid Ritz: "He's falling for you."

I nod immediately, not even realizing the extent of his statement. It sets in, causing me to blush at the thought that I agreed so blindly.

Fred: "I might be as well."

Kid Ritz smirks, saying nothing as he flips through the channels on the TV. He lands on a cooking show, the thought of food making me ravenous.

Kid Ritz: "Dude... we haven't eaten for days. I'm like, just now feeling hungry."

Fred: "Bro, me too. Weird..."

We watch the TV, waiting for Rollie to return. Once he's back, I head to the bathroom, feeling good about the day.

Kid Ritz POV:

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