Locker Losing

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Kid Ritz POV:

We run as fast as possible, Orchid wrenching the Personnel door open once we reach it. We run down the hall, searching for anywhere we could hide.

Orchid finds a door and manages to open it. We rush inside, yet panic, as the only hiding place is under the desk.

Kid Ritz: "Hide under there. Do not come out for anything until I get you, ok?"

Orchid: "What about y-"

Kid Ritz: "Don't worry about me. Go."

She climbs under the desk, her tiny body hidden as I push the chair in front of her.

Kid Ritz: "I love you. See you soon."

I run out of the office, hearing the Personnel door get kicked open. I sprint as fast as I can down the tunnel, panicking as I hear mangled running following me.

I run until I reach the tunnel's end, seeing that my only option is to try the door.

I wrench the doorknob, surprised to find it open. I fly down the hallway, seeing I'm in a locker area.

I run until I find an open locker, shoving myself and Jewels inside before closing the locker. My breathing comes out heavy as I pant, panic-ridden beyond words. My hand flies to my mouth as Johnny bursts through the door.

I can't see him, but I sure can hear him. He groans, sounding like he's in severe pain.

Jewels shakes in my arms, holding me tight with her tiny hands. I can't imagine the fear she's experiencing, yet she's doing so good by keeping quiet.

I shove her under my hoodie, feeling her little body tremble. I hold her tightly, wishing with everything in me that Johnny would go away.

I hold my breath as I listen to him bang on the lockers; some of them sound like it's hurting him.

He slams himself into a locker one down from mine, my heart pounding so loudly I feel like I'm going to faint.

I watch something limp by my locker, then hear the locker on the other side of mine be wrenched open so hard the door flies off.

Voice: "Kid Ritz?"

I hear someone call for me down the tunnel. Orchid? Why is she calling me? I told her not to come out until I got her!

I watch as Johnny runs past my locker, straight for the door. I can't let him get Orchid!

I run out of the locker, chasing him... until I trip over the broken door. I didn't see it in the dark.

I fall to the floor, my knee cracking as I hit the ground hard as I try to avoid falling on top of Jewels.

She squeaks in surprise, wriggling in panic. She settles as a hot, searing pain flares through my knee.

Kid Ritz: "Fuck..."

It takes everything in me not to scream, the pain becoming overwhelmingly bad.

I use all my adrenaline to stand up, limping for the door. As I reach the handle, I hear two girls scream.


I know I need to help her, but my knee is not letting me run. I get the door open, limping down the tunnel for Orchid.

I limp in excruciating pain until I run into someone standing in the hallway. I jump, having not expected them.

I fall to the floor in panic, my heart pounding horrifically fast. I fall onto my back, my head hitting the floor hard.

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