Near Kiss

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*( Guys, like, today, I realized I, like, have neglected adding Jewels in the story; I'm going to go feral. We'll get her back in the reading, but LMAO, I CAN'T DEAL! I COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT HER)*

Rollie POV:

As I finish my quesadilla, Fred ends his shower. He exits the bathroom in nothing but a towel, Kid Ritz following him into his room. Kid Ritz leaves for the bathroom with his change of clothes; Fred enters the kitchen with a smile. 

Fred: "Dude, I'm famished."

Rollie: "Kid Ritz made you quesadillas; they're on the stove."

Fred: "Incredible."

He grabs them, pulling up a chair next to me. He eats as fast as Kid Ritz, using his good arm as the other lies limply at his side. He's done within five minutes, the two of us getting up to wash the dishes.

Fred: "Want to go sit in Kid Ritz's room?"

Rollie: "Sure"

I follow him, sitting on the bed a little awkwardly. It feels weird to be hanging in his room without Kid Rtiz here, but it's ok.

Fred: "I'm so tired, you know?"

Rollie: "Me too. We're going to my apartment next, where we can rest. We'll pick up Jewels from your store, and then once we get to the apartment, you guys can pick up your rooms."

Fred: "Pick our rooms?"

Rollie: "Mmhmm. And I'll pay you and Kid Ritz for taking care of me. Kid Ritz's mother can use Gloria's room, and there is enough space for us to move around comfortably. Plus, I was thinking of turning on the hot tub if you wanted to join me tonight."

Fred stays quiet, turning his head to look at me. Kid Ritz's room has a star lamp emitting a soft glow, which makes the ambiance calming. 

Fred: "That sounds like it'd be wonderful, thank you."

I nod, letting a mixture of bravery and exhaustion fuel my next action. I move so we sit side by side, leaning my head on his shoulder. Fred slowly wraps his arm around me, holding me close. 

Rollie: "How's you're arm doing?"

Fred: "It hurts, but I think it'll be fine. Thank you for asking. I'm lucky I was bit on the left; the right is my yo-yo arm."

Rollie: "Yo-yo arm?"

Fred: "That's right. I'm the leading yo-yo Mount Rageous champion. My name is the record holder for best tricks ever done with a yo-yo."

Rollie: "Wow... um, that's incredible?"

Fred laughs, his hand tickling my waist as he giggles.

Fred: "I'm just messing with you. There is no yo-yo Mount Rageous champion title to win, but if there was, best believe my name would be on there."

I look at Fred, enyoing the goofy side of him I don't think I've ever seen. Kid Ritz enters the bedroom dressed, smirking as he sees how Fred and I are sitting. He closes the door, lying on the floor tiredly.

Kid Ritz: "Ok, guys. What's the plan?'

Rollie: "We'll drive to the shop and pick up Jewels, then go to my apartment. We'll divide the rooms, and I'll show you guys around, then I think we can relax. I told Fred how I want to put the hot tub on tonight, maybe crack open some wine."

Kid Ritz: "That sounds amazing, I'm in. Can we look for Veneer or Velvet in the street while we're over here? I don't think either would be out there, but I just want to check."

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