Between Friends

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Velvet POV:

Midori: "Who's that?"

Velv: "I don't know. But they sound distraught!"

We hear a male voice cry from the floor below us; Midori and I look at each other with wide eyes.

Voice: "V-E-R"

He screams one last thing, though I can't make out what it is he says. His voice cuts down in volume; the thick floors and walls making it so we can no longer hear him.

We listen more for anything else to happen, worry washing over me quickly.

That voice wasn't Veneer's. It had a thick accent and a more resounding cadence. At least it wasn't Ven screaming, but it does make me wonder who did and why they were screaming so upsettingly.

Midori: "What do you think happened?"

Velv: "Well, maybe the inmate is... you know."

Midori looks at me, not following what I'm implying.

Velv: "What I'm saying is maybe... the inmate isn't all the way here with us."

Midori thinks it over, yet shakes her head softly after a moment.

Midori: "I don't know; we haven't heard anyone else since we arrived. I know they put crazy Rageons in here, but I have the feeling if that guy was crazy, he'd have been screaming like that long before now."

Her logical statement and thinking surprise me yet again; she really is so smart compared to how she acts.

Velv: "Wow, M... that is true. I didn't think of it like that."

Midori: "Thanks! Though it doesn't detract from the fact that dude's so upset. I wish we could help him."

I sit for a minute, thinking of what she's said.

Velv: "You're sure there isn't a way to the floor below us? I'm pretty sure that's where the screaming came from; it may be the boy's wing."

Midori stands and pulls the bars out of her window to check. I watch her stick her head out farther, my anxiety heightening as her legs lift above the ground.

If we weren't careful, she could fall forward, and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she fell from this height because I encouraged her.

As I think it, I watch Midori's arm slip, sending her tumbling out of the window.

Velv: "MIDORI!!!"

I scream, doing everything I can to try to squeeze past the bars keeping me in the cell.

Oh fuck! I can't believe it actually happened! What do I do? Who could I call? How-

Midori: "Velvet? Velvet!"

I blink, opening my eyes to see Midori standing a couple of feet in front of me behind her bars. She holds onto them tightly while pressing her face through the middle of two of them.

Velv: "What- how? How are you ok?"

Midori: "Velvet, what's going on? I was looking out the window, and then you started screaming! I nearly fell out; you scared me so bad. Then you just started mumbling to yourself on the floor!"

I rack my brain, re-imagining the fall over and over again. I know what I saw; there's no way I didn't.

Velv: "I-I I'm sorry! I saw you fall out of the window, and I started panicking because I was so scared, but you're here now and ok and-"

I ramble, stopping as I grip one of the bars before me. I pull my hand back in pain, seeing my skin turning red from where I came in contact with the bar.

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