Marco... P O L O

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Veneer POV:

Ven: "So, you feel up to swim? You don't have to do much but float. I know that's what I'll do."

Kid Ritz: "Sure."

He answers rather curtly, getting up to walk into the bathroom and stare at himself. He seems upset, but I don't want to pry him. I leave the bedroom, pick up in the den, and put away the medical kit before joining Rollie and Fred outside.

Fred skims the pool as Rollie sets out towels.

Rollie: "Hey, everything ok?"

Ven: "Yeah, Kid Ritz just... seems upset, and I didn't want to pry him, so I thought I'd help out here."

Fred: "He may still be trying to figure everything out. I think it's nice of you to give him space."

Rollie: "I agree. Why don't you help me make drinks? I'd love a good Piña Colada."

Ven: "Do we have fruit anymore?"

Rollie: "We have a can of pineapples."

Fred and I laugh at the absurdity of the statement. I follow Rollie inside, helping him make the absolute best version of a Piña Colada I've ever seen. We blend the pineapples until they are smooth like a smoothie. Rollie adds coconut cream, making the drink kind of come together.

He adds a slice of pineapple on the side, topping off the totally accurate drink.

Ven: "We HAVE to have our own cooking show."

Rollie: "Survival Luxury Meals."

Ven: "HELP. I actually can't deal."

I burst out laughing, feeling so silly over the sweet concoction. Rollie has me take a sip, waiting excitedly for my reaction.

Rollie: "What's it like?"

Ven: "So... I'm getting pineapple, and coconut cream... blended together."

Rollie: "Ok, so... a Piña Colada?"

Ven: "Totally."

With that, we pour the drinks into four glasses, me bringing out mine and Kid Ritz's. I find Kid Ritz outside, sitting with his feet in the pool. I hand him his drink, watching as he smirks.

Kid Ritz: "Wow... what... is it?"

Ven: "Piña Colada."

Kid Ritz giggles as he drinks it, looking up at me as he sips.

Ven: "It's yummy, huh."

Kid Ritz: "So good. I can really taste the pineapple."

I watch as Rollie hands Fred his drink, whispering in his ear before Fred sips it. Seems like he made Fred an actual Piña Colada. A little bit of a weird feeling turns over my stomach as I watch Rollie slightly enable Fred, but I let it go quickly.

I go inside, changing into a swimsuit Rollie lent me before going outside and getting in the pool. I'm not a good swimmer, but I can get by paddling. Kid Ritz watches me swim around, smiling softly. I swim up next to him, resting my chin on my hands as I look up at him.

Kid Ritz: "You having fun?"

Ven: "Yeah. I like the water."

Kid Ritz: "I can tell."

Ven: "Wanna come in?"

Kid Ritz: "Sure, Babe."

I tense, not used to him calling me babe, especially after how angry it's made me from Dom using it against me. Fred hears it, looking at me from the chase lounge. He gives me a confused look, but we don't say anything. I drop it as Kid Ritz gets in, swimming over to me. 

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