Hand In Hand

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Kid Ritz POV:

My hands shake as I stare at the body beneath me. I wipe them off the best I can on my pants, feeling the sticky blood dry quickly.

I grab Jewels, feeling bad she has to feel and smell the blood on me, though I don't have an immediate option to wash my hands, so we'll have to make do.

Taking one last look at the bloodied and battered Sage Boy, I leave the locker room, closing the door behind me.

Painfully, I limp down the tunnel, stopping back at Orchid and Dixie.

I stare at Dixie's eyes, the light in them still glowing even through her frozen state. That gives me hope that they are still here, maybe just sleeping.

I would hate to know that all of these frozen Rageons are lucid of what's happening around them; I couldn't imagine being left with your thoughts, alone in the dark and unable to communicate with anyone.

Kid Ritz: "Don't worry, you two. I'll be back with help... eventually. I'm going to get you guys back. I have to."

Giving Orchid one last side hug, I continue walking the length of the tunnel. I reach the fated personnel door with no issue, leaving the tunnel and my two friends behind in search of Rollie, Gloria, and Fred.

I limp as fast as possible, getting into the arena with no other altercation. I traipse through the darkness, freaking out silently as I fail to hear any other noise. Jewels sighs tiredly in my arms, curling her tail around my wrist. 

I pet her head, trying to remain calm. I keep walking until I break emotionally, tears welling in my eyes as I realize I don't know where in the Rage Dome I am. I hold Jewels tight, tears flowing freely down my face as I get increasingly scared. 

I fall to the ground, my knees shaking as I cry. Jewels sits quietly, her little tail flicking back and forth comfortingly. I don't know what I'd be feeling emotionally if I didn't have her here with me to comfort me. 

I close my eyes, squeezing them tight to feel like I'm in my own world, separated from the dangers around me. If I'm going to be in darkness, I can at least control where I envision it.

I picture Veneer, my beautiful cariño. I can't imagine what he's doing right now... though... do I want to? I sniffle upsetly, realizing I haven't come to terms with how things ended. 

I watched him not only fail to deny the troll rumors, but look me in the eyes, and then flee the scene. I don't know how I'm supposed to take that, how to feel. A huge part of me believes he learned from his mistake with Floyd... but there's the little part of me that worries if he really did?

I wonder if Velvet truly changed, or in turn, if Ven even did. I still don't know what he's hidden from me, but told Fred. I found out tonight that Fred's drinking problem is back and that he's been hiding it from Orchid and me for however long.

Has Fred confided with Veneer? Why wouldn't he feel comfortable to tell me or Orchid? We were there for him from beginning to end the first time; what's different now? 

All of these questions plague my mind, leaving me numb. I take a few deep breaths, remembering I'm still kneeling on the floor of a danger-filled arena. 


I hear steps walking towards me, my heart picking up... yet I don't run. I stand, holding Jewels tight... as well as in defeat. I... am ready to give up. I lost Orchid, who I swore to protect. I lost my other friends, maybe my career and livelihood if Dom is causing chaos outside of the Rage Dome, which I have every right to suspect is happening based on the behavior displayed by Johnny.

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