Dizzying Diamonds

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Velvet POV:

I gasp for air for a while, eventually sitting up. My body screams in pain from how long I was tased; my muscles were contracted for way too long. 

Velv: "M... Midori."

She doesn't say anything, worrying me terribly. I stand, my legs shaking as I go to the bars. I see her still in a heap on the floor, her head turned away from me.

Velv: "Midori. Midori... please. Can you look at me?"

It takes her a long time, but eventually, she flips onto her back, turning her head to look at me.

Velv: "Can... can you stand up?"

She stares at me, then at the ceiling. With shaky arms, she sits up, wincing as she holds her abdomen. Through her jumpsuit, I can see where she was tased. The fabric is singed from how long the taser was held on her.

Looking at my side, I can't put my hand too close to where I was tased, as it hurts so bad. 

Midori: "I... I don't feel good."

Velv: "I'm so sorry. I wish I could come over; I can't help you from here, and I feel awful about it."

Midori: "Your side is all burned."

Velv: "So is your tummy. She held the taser on us way longer than I'm sure she's ever been instructed to do."

Midori: "Why did she tase us?"

I think over the question, not having a good answer.

Velv: "I... I don't know. I don't have a good answer, simply theories. If Dom was controlling her, then he most likely had her do it. If not that, then maybe she just wanted to scare us. She gets off to having us tortured with no repercussions? I don't know, but I'm beyond upset it happened."

Midori nods, looking incredibly upset. Her eyes trail to the window, whipping her head to look at me.

Midori: "I didn't put the bars back on the window when the guard came in here!"

I look under the bed where the bars rolled, most likely in the chaos.

Velv: "Well, she didn't comment on it. Maybe she didn't see it in the heat of the moment."

Midori rocks back and forth nervously, biting her nails in stress.

Velv: "Hey, hey. Look at me."

Midori meets my eyes, hers filled with panic.

Velv: "Midori. I'm still here. I know what's happening is crazy, but you aren't alone, ok? I am pretty sure the guard would have said something if she noticed."

Midori stays quiet, closing her eyes as she rocks. In an instant, she stops, her brows furrowing.

Midori: "Wait... we heard a boy making all that noise, right?"

Velv: "I assume that's who it was."

Midori: "And we heard him from a floor underneath us?"

Velv: "I think that's where it came from... why?"

Midori says nothing, going back to the window. She hoists herself up, yet this time, it looks like it hurts her badly, most likely from the tase. She pokes head through, pulling herself further out of the window. 

She looks for a minute more before pulling herself back in. She walks to her bed, sitting tiredly.

Midori: "I can get to the window below me."

Velv: "Really? How?"

Midori sighs, looking at me wearily. 

Midori: "If I angle myself right, I could align my foot in between the bars of the window."

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