Monitoring Madness

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Kid Ritz POV:

I try to move us along quickly, yet something just feels... wrong.

Even though we can hear the fans' voices in the Rage Dome, it's unnaturally quiet within the tunnel. Every footstep Orchid and I make is echoey and loud, making me anxious. I would call out to see if anyone is down here, but that doesn't seem like a smart move.

The farther we walk into the tunnel, the worse I feel. Something is very, very wrong. It's also freezing, way colder than it is outside and in the arena of the Rage Dome.

There should be many Rageons back here, anyone from workers for the Rage Dome to MRS. assistants... yet it's just void of any life. My chest starts hurting so bad with anxiety that I have to take a break to breathe and calm down behind some crates. I haven't felt this anxious in a while... and I wish Veneer were here to help.

I don't know the full story, so I can't be upset with him that he fled. For all I know, this could have been planned by Management as a way to get the media and fans talking, therefore more coverage and press.

Even as I think it, I know how improbable that notion is. I have the worst feeling that Dom had something to do with the trolls crashing the red carpet. I saw them on FaceTime myself happy to help Veneer... I assume in half an hour they wouldn't change their minds that quickly... or would at least resist it if it weren't voluntary.

My chest burns as I overthink, and Orchid seems to notice in the darkness. She puts her palm on my chest and rubs, knowing that pressure helps. She rubs until I feel the burning cease. 

Kid Ritz: "Thank you."

She nods and snuggles close as I whisper to her. I put my arm around her, relieved she's down here with me. My goal with us going into the tunnel was we would find help, yet no one is down here. If I'm anxious, which I'm clearly showing, then Orchid is bound to be feeling it ten times worse.

I feel awful that I led us down here, but in the moment, I didn't see a better option. Orchid opens her mouth to speak, yet I stop her, shaking my head no. She looks at me wide-eyed, her face casted in shadow from the flashlight.

I turn the flashlight off, and dim my brightness the most it can on my phone. I go on Snap and type what I want to say.

Kid Ritz: *There should be workers, or at least Rageons, down here. I'm concerned since the lights are off, and there's no one here.*

I show her the phone, letting her type a response.

Orchid: *What do we do? I can't hear any fans anymore since we walked so far in, so I don't know what the situation is like in the arena.*

As I think of a response, a loud shift in the direction we were walking to makes my heart jump in a jolt of panic. Orchid jumps hard, grabbing my hand tightly. We peek behind the crates, looking out worriedly for the noise source.

I have to squint to make out the silhouette of someone who's walking very awkwardly our way. I can tell it's a Rageon... yet they're walking so unnaturally... it's unnerving to witness. Something in my gut screams for us to stay hidden. As the Rageon gets closer, I can see their eyes glowing a dim, light blue.

They approach at their fumbling, slow pace... then stop. I hold my breath, confused and scared as all get out. They're close enough now that I can see it's... Johnny. The Sage Boy stands awkwardly, like a puppet held up by strings.

He just stands in the darkness, as if waiting for something... then moves in a way that nearly scares me into a heart attack. Johnny snaps his head toward us, lurching at the crates we're hiding behind.

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