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Kid Ritz POV:

Orchid stands behind Dixie, not moving. I run to her, grabbing her hand. I'm shocked as I feel how cold she is... then I realize how stiff she is.

Kid Ritz: "No, no, no, no, no, no... this can't be happening. Orchid? Orchid, it's me, Kid Ritz! Orchid, please! Talk to me!"

My best friend says nothing, simply staring forward with glossy eyes. Her face is in shock, frozen in mid-scream.

Kid Ritz: "Oh, Orchid... no. Please, I need you."

She says nothing, remaining frozen. I press myself gently against her in a hug, Jewels popping her head out of my hoodie to see what's wrong.

Tears stream down my face as I check Dixie over. She's frozen completely, and her hands are just as cold. I cry heavily, beyond upset my friends have been frozen, as I don't know what being frozen does to someone.

I hear footsteps down the hall, my heart picking up in a panic. I quickly kiss Orchid's cheek for a goodbye and limp back into the locker room.

I get in the locker, hiding like I did before. I can't do this anymore; this is all becoming too much.

I hold Jewels tightly, panicking as I hear Johnny enter the locker room. I listen to him stalk around, his groans alerting me to where he is in the room.

I stay deadly quiet as he stalks past me, before-


I hear his body hit the ground as he trips over the metal door as I did. My heart beats loudly as my mind screams at me to do something, anything, while he's down.

I quickly pull Jewels out of my hoodie and set her on the shelf behind me before exiting the locker.

I hear Johnny on the ground a few feet from me, his gnarly groans freaking me out. It sounds like he is speaking with two voices simultaneously; one is his, while the other is robotic, almost mechanical.

I grab the metal door and hold it above his head. Johnny lays on his back, his icy blue eyes staring up at me.

He starts laughing once he realizes what I intend to do.

Johnny: "You... won't do... it. You're... nothing. Too... much of a coward. Why... your dad... left."

Anger surges through me as my hands begins to shake, the metal door rattling from how furious I am.

Kid Ritz: "You took my best friend, other innocent lives. You've ruined my life, and helped to destroy my boyfriend's. This is what you get."

Johnny smiles at me with malice, his beady eyes staring me down.

Johnny: "You know what I have to say to that? Fuck you."

That's my last straw, sending me to hurl the metal door straight at his face. I hit again, and again, and again.




I slam him into the ground, beating over and over until my arms tire out. I breathe manically, the high of my rage coming down as I realize what I've just done.

Glittery blood glistens on the door, as well as all over the floor and the lockers. As I blink, I realize it's also splattered across my face and clothes.

I stare at the damage I've done, noticing his chest is no longer moving. I hear Jewels squeak quietly, the noise bringing me back to reality.

I drop the metal door, genuinely realizing that I've just killed someone.

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