Shower Struggles

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Velvet POV:

I'm unsure when I fall asleep, but I wake up to an alarm ringing throughout the prison.

I sit up quickly, my heart racing as I'm unused to the sound. I stare through the darkness as bright lights are turned on in the hallway, blinding me.

I shield my eyes with my hand, squinting as I see two security guards walk toward us.

One unlocks my cell, holding out handcuffs to me. Begrudgingly, I let her put them on, watching Midori get the same treatment.

She looks chipper as ever, giving me a big smile. Her optimism is admirable; I can't lie. We walk out of our cells, out the hallway, and into an ample open space.

We're led to a small cafeteria area, where we're given trays and our handcuffs taken off.

Midori and I get food, sitting at one of the many open tables in the empty space.

I poke at my food, seeing that its weird, gelatinous goo. Midori eats happily, yet makes a face, like it's sour. That's enough to keep me from touching it.

I look around, expecting other inmates to come, yet none do. The security guards wait until Midori finishes her food, cuff us, and lead us into another prison sector.

It's the showers, which look atrocious.

I'm physically shocked as I see the state of the showers

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I'm physically shocked as I see the state of the showers. I look at the guards like they're crazy as they uncuff us and hand us bars of soap.

The two stand by the door, waiting for us to change. Midori looks at me with wide eyes, not moving to get unchanged.

Security Guard: "Get undressed. Now. You have ten minutes."

Midori blushes, looking very upset and uncomfortable.

Velv: "Hey, I won't look, ok? I can get in first; it'll be alright."

Midori: "Ok..."

I get out of my jumpsuit, upset the security aren't even attempting not to look. Midori keeps her eyes shut, hugging herself as she stands off to the side.

I get over the security staring at me; what can I do at this point? I hang my clothes on the hook and hurry into the shower.

I am disgusted we don't have shower shoes. I know it's a prison, but this is unsanitary.

I look at the shower, seeing only a button to press. I touch it, yelping as cold water shoots out of the shower head.

I gasp as the cold water hits my skin, shivers running through my body. The water doesn't get any warmer, so I have to start washing.

As I use my bar of soap, Midori gets in next to me. She squeals from the cold water, sputtering just as I had.

We shower in the freezing water, and I get out first. I'm shaking violently as I towel off, the stiff linen rubbing harshly on my skin.

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